The groundbreaking work, Meditations on the Tarot (21 May 1967) was written anonymously by a Christian-Hermeticist Monk and covered extensively everything mystical and philosophical under the sun in the context of Major Arcana cards of the ancient Tarot of Marseilles. It had nothing to do with fortune telling or Divination, but rather focusing on meditation and intuitive insight bearing the mark of a rich Arcanum. As written in a previous series:
“An arcanum is that which it is necessary to “know” [gnosis] in order to be fruitful in a given domain of spiritual life. It is that which must be actively present in our consciousness —or even in our subconscious —in order to render us capable of making discoveries, engendering new ideas, conceiving of new artistic subjects. In a word, it makes us fertile in our creative pursuits, in whatever domain of spiritual life. An arcanum is a “ferment” or an “enzyme” whose presence stimulates the spiritual and the psychic life of man. And it is symbols which are the bearers of these “ferments” or “enzymes” and which communicate them —if the mentality and morality of the recipient is ready, i.e. if he is “poor in spirit” and does not, suffer from the most serious spiritual malady: self-complacency…It is therefore in a state of deep contemplation—and always ever deeper—that they should be approached. And it is the deep and intimate layers of the soul which become active and bear fruit when one meditates on the Arcana of the Tarot. Therefore this “night”, of which St. John of the Cross speaks, is necessary, where one withdraws oneself “in secret” and into which one has to immerse oneself each time that one meditates on the Arcana of the Tarot. It is a work to be accomplished in solitude, and is all the more suitable for recluses.” (MOTT, pg. 4)
Our new series covers this realization in a Buddhist context. The characterizations of the cards will take on such prominent features like Padmasambhava (The Magician) and Mother Prajnaparamita (The High Priestess):
Their spiritual backgrounds will also correlate to the given corresponding meditations from MOTT. The cards and meditations themselves are not designed for commercial purposes but only as a nonsalable spiritual platform here at Unborn Mind Zen.