Tag Archives: Chintamani

In Praise of the Spiritual Advocates

Chapter: 1, Sub-Chapter: 3

  • Now, Admiration and Salutations to the True Advocates—the Primordial Ones, the Satgurus, the Ineffable Ones who cannot be fully described. They are the True Spiritual Imageless Ones where illusion dare not attempt to intercept. In terms of their magnitude they are beyond my feeble comprehension.
  • The knowledge of the Vedas becomes inadequate declaring, “Not this, not this” (Neti, neti), how then can the foolish ones even begin to address Them?
  • You Are as you Are, oh Satguru.
  • Oh! High Lord of the gurus, You are the Seed of the Universe THAT permeates All. You are the Supreme Original One, the triumphant flag of Liberation and Bearer of Salvation.
  • The light dispels the darkness, but once again the cosmos is engulfed in pitch blackness. But the Satguru is not akin to that action, but is the cosmic destroyer of samsara by annihilating avidya.
  • The Satguru is oft compared to the ocean deep. But the sea has a salty taste, yet even if its waters turned milky sweet, it would still get spoiled at the final dissolution of the universe. But the Satguru will never be destroyed.
  • The great Muru Mountain is stiff and immovable. But the resolute resolve of the Satguru is compassionately soft towards the lesser able.
  • Occasionally the Satguru is likened to the “Nectar of Immortality.” However, even the gods who ingest that nectar will ultimately dissolve into nothingness. Yea, it is only the benedictions of the Satguru that incurs lasting immortality on the faithful ones.
  • Many turn to Chintamani, the mythological stone, in order to eradicate all worries. Yet there are no worries to be found at the precious feet of the Satguru.
  • The Satguru is oft compared to great wealth, yet wealth is transitory-matter. But an imperishable wealth awaits one at the doorstep of the Primordials.
  • Time erodes away all the kingdoms of the vast heavens; however the benedictions of the Satgurus, those Primordial Lords of Unborn Light, will never be soiled by the sands of time.
  • What has been described here are only my thin intimations, for the Blessed Primordial Ones leave one filled with the ineffable core of their salvific actions. The signs of these Inner-States can only be won by sweet introvert devotions to the Inner Self Supreme.
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