Tag Archives: mind convention

Mind Conventions

  1. [Cleary]: Illusion is not nonexistent; its existence is spoken of because it is of the same nature of things; unreal, like a flash of lightning, they are therefore noted as analogous to illusion.

You have to realize that for a Lankavatarian who adheres to the teachings of the Lanka, the visible-objective world, while a product of illusion, is not non-existent. It is what Tozen once described as a “concrete intellectual synthesis highly visible and touchable”. One can be assured of this if a Zen-Master were to suddenly slap you so hard that your teeth begin to rattle inside that noggin of yours! This concreteness though is still the stuff of Maya—synthesized matter. Breaking this matter down using a quantum-lens, it is a bundle of molecules swimming in a vast cosmic pool filled with particles of hyle. An advanced one, a Yogin who possesses exceptional siddhis powers can break-through the seeming solidness of the wall and can even become invisible at will, or even walk right through that apparently solid wall!  Such a one is known as a Master [over] illusion—because once that wall is thoroughly broken down to that last hyle-particle, deceptive concrete existence is smothered with nothingness. read more

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