Tag Archives: Manomayakāya

Mind Conventions

  1. [Cleary]: Illusion is not nonexistent; its existence is spoken of because it is of the same nature of things; unreal, like a flash of lightning, they are therefore noted as analogous to illusion.

You have to realize that for a Lankavatarian who adheres to the teachings of the Lanka, the visible-objective world, while a product of illusion, is not non-existent. It is what Tozen once described as a “concrete intellectual synthesis highly visible and touchable”. One can be assured of this if a Zen-Master were to suddenly slap you so hard that your teeth begin to rattle inside that noggin of yours! This concreteness though is still the stuff of Maya—synthesized matter. Breaking this matter down using a quantum-lens, it is a bundle of molecules swimming in a vast cosmic pool filled with particles of hyle. An advanced one, a Yogin who possesses exceptional siddhis powers can break-through the seeming solidness of the wall and can even become invisible at will, or even walk right through that apparently solid wall!  Such a one is known as a Master [over] illusion—because once that wall is thoroughly broken down to that last hyle-particle, deceptive concrete existence is smothered with nothingness. read more

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Yoga of the Manomayakāya

Lankavatarian Foundations

All beings are likened to forms originated in an illusion or a dream; since there is no self, others, or both, there is no arising of them. When practitioners penetrate “nothing but self-mind,” and thus realize the non-being of external beings, they therefore realize the non-arising of discriminatory faculties… read more

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Collection of all Buddha-fields


Sudhana’s next visitation with another layman, Muktaka (The Liberated One), is anything other than an ordinary occurrence. The lines of this astonishing text is revealing something quite extraordinary. Sudhana has advanced to such a stage that since his departure from Megha and his arriving at the splendid abode of Mukata a miraculous transformation has gradually occurred within his own mindset: read more

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The Dynamis of Evil

In Ephesians 6:12, Paul writes:

…we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities (archas), against the powers (exousias), against the world rulers (kosmokratoras), of this present darkness, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places. read more

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The Demons of Thought

“Ananda, when the good person who is cultivating samadhi has put an end to the feeling skandha, although he has not achieved freedom from outflows, his mind can leave his body the way a bird escapes from a cage. From within his ordinary body, he already has the potential for ascending through the Bodhisattvas’ sixty levels of sagehood. He is now able to use his mind to create a spiritual-body and can roam freely without obstruction. read more

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Folding-Space: Bardo 2, Part 6

Bardo 1 (part 6) highlighted how “intention” was the determining factor in the flow of Qi throughout the meridian (energetic) system. In like fashion, the proper focus of intention is the key behind how the Manomayakāya navigates through the Sambhogakayic-field in Bardo 2. Whenever and whatever type of phantasmagorical phenomena manifests itself, the trick is to be able to maneuver “all about” its bewitching parameters with a steady flow of bodhipower that enkindles the one-pointed Bodhisattvic-Recollective-Resolve to render it back to its original imageless and empty (Śūnyatā) stature; Vimalakirti would refer to this as opening the Dharma-door of non-duality. Indeed, all these phantasms are mere mental constructs of the dreaming Unborn Mind Itself and with focused intention the Manomayakāya can send them reeling back into the Mahaśūnyā, or Primordial Void Itself. What is even more miraculous, the Manomayakāya has the potential bodhipower to actually transmute and transfer the energy-field, say of a given particularly revolting and recurring obtuse mind-kleśa, into an inanimate object like a rock—one that lies at the darkest corner of the universe; it can also transmute an ugly poison, like anger, in similar fashion. It also has the bodipower to transport itself instantaneously to any given dimension within the whole fabric of quantum-space. This type of maneuver was marvelously portrayed in the “Dune” series, wherein the technique of “Folding-Space” (much like a wormhole effect) was done by the Spice Guild Navigators; indeed, “The Spice” in that excellent saga created by Frank Herbert, was the “substance” behind much transformational stuff happening throughout all the stories…whereas for our purposes, it is Bodhipower Itself. But for any of this to happen at all, proper and focused Intention (one-pointedness of mind) is essential. read more

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Prometheus Unbound: Bardo 2, Part 3

The ancient Greek myth about Prometheus depicts his decision to steal fire from the abodes of the Gods themselves and bestow its illuminative properties to mankind. Zeus then reprimands him for his sacrilegious “action” by chaining him to a huge bolder for all eternity; during the day Prometheus, once an Olympian Titan-Deity himself, has to endure the agony and humiliation of having his liver plucked-out by a rabid vulture. At night, his wounds heal; but when the garish light of day arrives he has to endure his agony all over again. Quite an apt symbolism relaying how sentient beings are entrapped on the Wheel of Life, held bound by the severe laws of Karma that incessantly gnaws away at their entrails. It is also symbolic of how the “body consciousness” weighs one down with heavy samsaric burdens, whilst simultaneously dealing out old karmic wounds that never heal. This particularly becomes oppressive on the plane of Bardo One, wherein one’s spirit can become incapacitated with the heavy weight of sensuous perceptions that hinder self-emancipation and Recollective Strength in the Unborn Resolve. Bardo Realm Two, or the Sambhogakayic-field, can offer some respite from the affairs of the “Day Consciousness” as it becomes a portal into what is commonly known as the Dream Realm, where “Night Consciousness”—or the very Awareness Vehicle of the Manomayakāya itself—helps to foster the Illuminative Recollective Resolve of proper Lucidity that is key to becoming free from the chains of the Alaya-consciousness with all its karmic host. Prometheus Unbound. read more

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The Descent (I’m Only Sleeping): Bardo 2, Part 2

Making the descent through the Bardo-doors of sleep is oftentimes a disorientating phenomenon. The paramount point to keep in mind is that, in terms of the Trikayic formulation, this is a Sambhogakayic dimension—whereas in Bardo One the Mind-journey of the Awareness Principle (via the Awareness Mechanism) is Nirmanakayic in nature. The experience on this Sambhogakayic plane is multidimensional in stature. All former 3-dimensional rules of perception are now superseded by Unifyic-Explosions of infinitesimal and kaleidoscope-like connections that unfold energetic layers of inter-dimensional kinship that bespeak the atomic and subatomic quanticity of Mind while in pluralized-obstruction-mode of self-expression. This self-revealed pluralicity is a mirrored quantization of the Nirmanakayic-field whose actual structure is masked by the field blocking out roughly 98% of its perceptional abilities, thus the awareness mechanism in Bardo One perceives just 2% of what is actually there. It’s like living in an outer-Siberia—with extraverted extractions of coalesced fluids (the chemical compoundedness of Mind’s plurality) that come-together under the guise of skandhic-elements that actually set-into-motion the karmic crud that clogs the arteries of the primordial energetic bodhiflow that can alone reroute Mind from the wandering samsaric escapades since beginningless exposures to particularized patterns of fate within the alayaic-bubble of karmadhatu. It is within this “Field of Dreams”—the Sambhogakayic dimension—that the developing Awareness Principle (like on training-wheels) gets its first exposure to the manomayakāya, or its Diamond-Mind Body that will be more fully developed and brought to a perfected state of Samadhi in Bardo Realm Three—or in that Dharmakayic dimension where the primordial awakened resonances emanate from the dark and luminous bodies of the Tathagatas themselves, as they anoint the bodhichild with the diamond-like resilience of the Sugata-garbha, the Supreme Womb of Buddhaic and Dharmakayic Light. Indeed, it is the manomayakāyic body that the Tibetan Book of the Dead itself refers to in the later Bardo’s as it resiliently withstands even the full-onslaught of the Wrathful Deities and Demons. read more

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