Tag Archives: Mu Soeng

A Rare Diamond

The Diamond Sutra (Vajrachchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra) occupies a unique position in the vast literature of the Mahayana. One of the earliest to highlight a doctrinal understanding of the Prajñāpāramitā motifs in Mahayana Literature, an important discovery of an ancient woodblock print of the Sutra back in 1907 within the “caves of the thousand Buddhas” just outside Dunhuang and preserved for centuries within this topographical arid desert, presents a most fascinating and enduring—as well as an endearing—captivation of this ancient artifact. One of my primary resources for the development of this series on the Diamond Sutra is Mu Soeng’s “The Diamond Sutra: transforming the way we perceive the world”, Wisdom Publications, 2000. Soeng’s early description of the paramount significance of this Wisdom-Sutra is indeed grand; I just could not surrender a syllable and it runs thus: read more

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