Tag Archives: NDE/OBEs

The Quantum Factor

The narrative for a Quantum-Soul Factor begins with what are known as NDE/OBEs, or after-death experiences. The notion that conscious activity exists after death has been deeply engrained into the psyche of both Eastern and Western religions throughout the millennium. For example, The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a mystic manual for guiding the soul through a 49 day process of encountering both “peaceful” and “wrathful” deities in the hope of successfully navigating through these illusionary realms that would prevent another womb birth, or if all else fails then a favorable reincarnation. There are some striking similarities between the Tibetan Book of the Dead and today’s contemporary after death-soul experiences that were made popular by researchers such as Dr. Raymond A. Moody and Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Further still, significant quantum theories predict that end-of-life brain activity exists independently of biochemical and spacetime geometry. read more

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