Tag Archives: Dionysius the Areopagite

Theologia Mystica

Work on The Śūraṃgamasamādhisūtra has been shelved until a later date. For now our interest and purpose turns to the cyclic nature of these blogs, as February into March recounts the spiritual writings of the Masters of old. The premier frontrunner in this mystical enterprise is Dionysius the Areopagite. In the past we have presented insight into many of his works, but our present task is to focus on the one work which serves as a “word-key” for the rest, the Theologia Mystica or the Mystical Theology. This work has served as a major source of inspiration for others who have highlighted the negative, or via negativa way—such as the anonymous writer of the Cloud of Unknowing, John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila and Meister Eckhart. Brief as it may be, it is the core solidification of all that follows along the path of Mystical Darkness—or the Luminous Way. St. Paul once encountered an inscription in his travels which stated, “To the Unknown God.” Initially, this provided the fodder for Dionysius to utilize the exact language of the “Unknown” God that encapsulated his deeper use of “Unknowing” which triggered such vast spiritual treatises like the present one and indeed of his entire corpus. read more

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The Throne of the Unborn One

The call of John to “come up here” in 4:1 indicates a radical shift for the remainder of the Book of Revelation. What we have now are layers of extraordinary visionary experiences, some which in modern parlance would be considered as acid trips of the mind. Yet, we need to bear in mind that these mind-boggling exposés are in reality literary devices of Apocalyptic Literature, tools of symbology. In this blog we must turn and invoke the aid of the Master-Mystical Theologian, Dionysius the Areopagite in his renowned work, The Celestial Hierarchy, for added spiritual clarification. read more

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The Quantum Factor

The narrative for a Quantum-Soul Factor begins with what are known as NDE/OBEs, or after-death experiences. The notion that conscious activity exists after death has been deeply engrained into the psyche of both Eastern and Western religions throughout the millennium. For example, The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a mystic manual for guiding the soul through a 49 day process of encountering both “peaceful” and “wrathful” deities in the hope of successfully navigating through these illusionary realms that would prevent another womb birth, or if all else fails then a favorable reincarnation. There are some striking similarities between the Tibetan Book of the Dead and today’s contemporary after death-soul experiences that were made popular by researchers such as Dr. Raymond A. Moody and Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Further still, significant quantum theories predict that end-of-life brain activity exists independently of biochemical and spacetime geometry. read more

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Christian Mystics & the Soul

The first on the horizon to give birth to what became known as Christian Mysticism is undoubtedly Dionysius the Areopagite. He in essence formulated the terminology that Christian Mystics use to describe their experience of Union with the Godhead. Yea, despite the overwhelming influence of Dionysian ideas on writers such as Eriugena, Meister Eckhart, The Cloud of Unknowing and many others, there has never been anything like Dionysian theology—it set the apophatic standard for all that came after it. Dionysius shed illuminative light on the notion of the soul: read more

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The Cloud of Unknowing in Light of the Unborn

Of all the texts of genuine Mysticism no other work has been translated as numerous times than the Anonymous, The Cloud of Unknowing. IT was written by a 14th century Western Mystic and even unto this day his true identity is unknown. The vast majority of speculation states that he is a contemplative monk of some religious order but which one is highly debatable. I’ve always considered him as a Carthusian monk and the following translator concurs with this assessment: read more

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Nestled in Quietude

Contemplative Quietude is the best catalyst for growth in the Recollective Resolve of the spiritual life in the Unborn. Indeed, it is that Recollection itself, fully awake and aware of its vibrant Self-expression. It is the very pinnacle of illuminative wonderment and ecstatic-joy. It is the very vivifying realization that every breath we take ensues as a direct and prior and abundantly imageless and transcendent Sourcehood. Contemplative Quietude is therefore the Absolute Awareness of the Reality hidden in the very depths of that Source of Mind. It is privy to the gnosis behind this Selfhood, obscure to the carnal mind but with an Absolute Certitude that transcends the reasoning faculties and even guileless faith itself. Yea, it is an extraordinary depth of Self that bears a gnosis too profound to ever be grasped in images or shallow concepts. read more

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A Darkness Visible

Milton’s striking metaphor in Paradise Lost, the oxymoron Darkness Visible, is unparalleled in referring light (lumen) itself to something like a hellish tomb of veritable blackness. Robert J. Edgeworth in his essay entitled, Milton’s ‘Darkness Visible’ and ‘Aeneid’ 7, writes: read more

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