Tag Archives: NY


There is a Hopi Indian word, Koyaanisqatsi, meaning, “a crazy life, life in turmoil, life out of balance, life disintegrating, a state of life that calls for another way of living.” The Hopi tribe’s whole spiritual focus is to try to keep the natural-balance of the world from spinning out of control. Well, it’s apparent that this natural balance has turned itself upside down. Within my own location, in upstate NY, the atmospheric circulation patterns have been on a wild ride for quite some time now; this past summer saw floods that devastated my area, accompanied with a freaky “tornado” that touched down in early September. Presently, the temperature is in the mid-40’s—December was completely snowless and warm and by this time we’re usually anticipating the January thaw…well, you can see the pattern. The effects of Global Warming have clearly made their effects known in my neck of the woods. read more

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