Tag Archives: paravritti


What does it mean to “save” sentient beings? In this troubled world, it is easy to misunderstand the Bodhisattvic vow and believe that it only involves saving individuals through materialistic and altruistic means. However, this is a misconception. If one clings to this mistaken belief, they will endlessly strive for a perfect world here on Earth, which is highly unlikely to ever happen. The forces of greed, manipulation, and control will always prevent such a utopia from becoming a reality. In reality, these forces are the inherent evil in humanity. read more

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O’ Wanderer, Turn-About and Save Thyself

Reciting the four Bodhisattva Vows


“Now that you have already taken refuge in the threefold body of Buddha, I shall expound to you the four great vows. Good friends, recite in unison what I say: ‘I vow to save all sentient beings everywhere. I vow to cut off all the passions everywhere. I vow to study all the Buddhist teachings everywhere. I vow to achieve the unsurpassed Buddha Way.’ (Recite three times.) read more

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