Tag Archives: The Cloud

Cloud Epilogue

The author of The Cloud knew what he wanted to convey to his audience but had no clear systematic plan designed to carry it out. Without question his writing is most fluid with a fine contemplative spirit but mostly writes with whatever is coming into his mind at the moment. One possible reason being that he was in daily-session with his young neophyte and the discussion pertains to the actual growth of that adept’s mind at a given time frame. But as time progresses one can ascertain that he’s also addressing a wider audience, although one within the confines of an eremitical setting. This fact is driven home time and time again that the cloud is not meant for just anyone along the paths of spirituality, but one who was being drawn to this specific and singular way of contemplation. read more

Posted in The Cloud of Unknowing in Light of the Unborn | Tagged | 4 Comments

(10) The Cloud

Because you once forgot the vast deathless sky, you once became this tiny lonely cloud.

Drifting around, one amongst many others. read more

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