Tag Archives: Transcendent Exposures

The Sixth Tower: Enraptured!

Our spiritual excursion into the Sixth Tower will be marked by graduating from the Illuminative stage into a most extraordinary plunge into the ecstasies of the increasingly Unitive cycle. You see, the soul’s yearning for Absolute Union with the Unborn Lord will now strike a fevering-pitch—passing through great waves of inner mental-torment as well as mind-numbing and heart bursting encounters of a soul enraptured to the point of never desiring anything from any created samsaric realms ever again. All these must be endured before entrance into the Seventh Tower is permitted. This astounding Sixth Tower boasts eleven chapters and is the largest section of Teresa’s Interior Castle, actually covering a third of the work; in essence, it’s mostly autobiographical material indicating Teresa’s own experience of incredible ecstasies lasting between ages forty-three and fifty-seven. Oftentimes those yearning for something similar in their own life will jump to the Sixth Tower to the detriment of the others—so caught-up is one’s own imagination with the fervent hope of finding something of parallel to their own extraordinary spiritual experiences. Hence, this will be the longest blog of the series offering a catalog of all the assorted Transcendent Exposures that one encounters with the mystical flames of divine enrapturement. read more

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