Tag Archives: Vishvavajra

The Generation of the Bodhibindu


Beloved and Immaculate Arya Tārā is the Sacred Vessel through which the Buddha-potential originates and is nurtured. She is ARYA—the Noble Liberator—and her Blessed Bodhi-Womb—GARBHA—houses the Self-Liberating activity. Like a mother she knows her children’s potential as Buddha-nature, and her activity as the Holy Matrix houses the Primordial Wisdom (Prajñā) that removes the veil of ignorance from all future children destined for Tathagatahood. She is the Mediatrix of all Buddhaic Blessings and as such embodies the bodhipower of all Buddhas. She is Arya Tārā—the Tārā beyond time, space and all conceptualizations. Her Bodhi-Womb is made of Unborn Light—transparent—yet always Vibrantly Productive in its Luminous Actuosity. As the Hallowed Ground of the Tathagatas she is the very nature of the Dharmadhatu Itself.  read more

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