Tag Archives: will-power

The Will of the Matter

Lama Anagarika Govinda (1898-1986) was a German Mystic who primarily spent most of his spiritual formation (20 years) as a member of the Kargyutpa Buddhist Order. He was though, the quintessential eclectic seeker after truth, spending time in Sri Lanka and Burma before traveling with his wife, Li Gotami, to Tibet and embedding himself there in a hermitage. He was well versed in Mahayana, Vajrayana, as well as Theravadin Traditions. Most of his writings well reflect this special blend of spiritual disciplines. My favorite book of his, The Foundation of Tibetan Mysticism, was released in 1969. A companion piece, Creative Meditation and Multidimensional Consciousness followed in 1977; this particular text was utilized during our Dharma-series, The Tathāgatagarbhatārā Tantra. Another prominent text is his spiritual autobiography, The Way of the White Clouds, A Buddhist Pilgrim in Tibet, 1966: read more

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