Exegesis on Little Office


The recently concluded series on the Unborn Gita housed many different forms of yoga: karma yoga, the yoga of discernment, Jnana yoga–yoga for contemplatives, yoga of gnosis, yoga of renunciation, Primordial Dharma-Yoga—(ancient technique of aligning the chakras in the spirit of equanimity), Dhyana Yoga, Divine Yoga (equanimity of Mind), Unborn Yoga—(unites all the yogic disciplines), Dharmakaya Yoga, and Holy Yoga (Unexcelled Union in Inseparable Bodhi. The Little Office of Our Lady of the Void is a form of Bhakti Yoga in that it worships the Divine Unborn Principle, most notably in this instance Arya Tara—Our Lady of the Void, a manifestation of the Dark Principle Itself. Arya Tara is highly exalted over all Celestial Beings—yea, her Immaculate Womb houses the beloved Bodhichild. The Little Office strengthens one’s affinity with her as well as the Blessed Unborn Dharma Lord Himself.

Worship with her engages Refuge and Sacred Empowerment:

I take Refuge in Blessed Arya Tara in the Spirit of the Buddha as the stainless illumination of the Unborn Mind

I take refuge in Blessed Arya Tara in the Spirit of the Dharma as the Sacred Teachings of the Sugatas

I take refuge in Blessed Arya Tara in the Spirit of the Sangha as the Self-Aware Mystical Body of the Tathagata

The Office of Prime, or Morning Acclamations, institutes the same opening format throughout the seven-day cycle: an opening introit to the Three Jewels, an antiphon in honor of Blessed Tara, a Buddhist Psalm, Lauding the Infinite One which is a hymn in honor of Divine Unborn Light Itself. My favorite verse from this psalm is, Most excellent is the virtue of this light, for he who perceiveth it is born into Paradise without dissolution of being. One could say that this is a foreshadowing of the Rainbow Body at the time of dissolution of being. Next follows The Trisagion (Greek: Τρισάγιον “Thrice Holy”) in High Honor of our Beloved Unborn Buddha Lord. A Supplication in Honor of Arya Tara—yea, we take spiritual refuge in her, we consecrate ourselves to her Immaculate Heart, and we also have an abiding recourse to her as she dispenses her protective Mantle over us. Next follows a series of sutras and readings, which also highlights the wide variety of teachings found on UnbornMind.com. Concluding Morning-Prime is the Benedictus, a form of ancient hymn that honors the Salvific-Memory of Unborn Light Itself within the very being of the devotee: yea, the Dharma Lord’s inmost Self is revealed; one is free to partake in this Great Mysterium without fear, for housed within one’s inmost Self is the Beloved Bodhichild, that empowers the devotee to engage in Buddha-gnosis for the sake of those who live in the darkness of ignorance—a Divine Showing of THE REVEALED LIGHT that releases sentient beings from the dark throes of Mara’s death.

The Office of Vespers, or Evening Acclamations, also institutes a same opening format throughout the seven-day cycle: an opening introit to the Three Jewels, and also a special antiphon in honor of Arya Tara as “Mediatrix of the Divine Mercy of the Tathāgatas.” What follows is the regimen of readings and reflections that culminates in the splendid Unborn Magnificat. This is Arya Tara’s Divine Song to us, as well as our own participation in her “Divine-Fiat”—or saying YES to the Divine Will in also being a receptacle for the Beloved Bodhichild—THAT is the Divine Promise of the Unborn Lord’s imageless presence hidden deep within.

Compline, or Night Prayer, is a wonderful way to wrap-up the day before retiring for the night. It houses an ancient hymn to Samantabhadra, or the Unborn Primordial Lord Himself. For more on Samantabhadra one is encouraged to read and study the Tathāgatagarbhatārā Tantra, which is the mystical-history of the Primordial Buddha and His Divine Manifestations, “one who dispels darkness; the True Light shines forth here in the Supreme Nirvanic-Union of Arya Tārā (Wisdom) and Vajradhara Buddha (Luminosity). Tantric-suchness is the revelation of Dharmātic Reality in the guise of the Adamantine Body (Nirmanakaya), Speech (Sambhogakaya) and Mind (Dharmakaya). For that is the purpose of Sacred Tantra: to assimilate the Element of Truth completely; to reveal it as a “continuous continuity”—to infuse it within the awareness mechanism of the yogi, thus diffusing it throughout one’s entire being, via the Divine Energy of Bodhicitta.” The Dharani of the Victorious Buddha Crown is a mantra of protection that is followed by THE protective mantra par-excellence, The Heart Sutra. Compline concludes with the Hail Arya Tara:

Hail Arya Tara, full of grace.
The Dharma Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among sentient beings,
and Blessed is the fruit of thy Bodhiwomb.
Holy Tara, Mother of all Buddhas,
pray for us transgressors,
now and at the hour of our
Transcendence over death.

Om Tare, Tuttare, Ture Swaha.

This is a loving hymn in High Honor of Beloved Arya Tara who IS the Divine Mother of all Buddhas and whose Immaculate Womb houses the source of Divine Transfiguration Itself. Yea, her intercession is a most powerful expedient tool of protection and preparation for transcendence over death itself.

The Lankavatarian Liturgy that includes the Little Office as well as Eremitical Meditations with the Five Dhyani Buddhas and the Divine Liturgy of Vajrasattva are wonderful Dharma-tools in which to “participate” in the Sacred and Divine Mysteries of the Buddhadharma.

Embryonis Spíritus Dómini sit semper vobíscum.



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