The Dragon Race

  1. The Dragon Race

Well before the era of Siddharta Gautama and even eclipsing the great flood of Noah there were many ancient races that populated Saha-realm 38725 (before it became poisoned as Marayana). The most ancient of these is the Dragon Race. This is not the same form that is mentioned in mythology, but a race of beings whose minds were filled with incomparable wisdom; their sciences and philosophies were based on the principle of the One Mind and their system was essentially Yin-based. The earth at that time was part of an ultimate Yin system. Yin in the sense of wei wu wei, or effortless action; this was portrayed in the primordial symbol of dao, which reflected a pure and unadulterated balance between spirit and mind within the deathless body of Tathagatahood. In sharp contrast to this perfected Yin system there appeared an innumerable host of demons emanating from the family of Maras who expressed interest in this realm, in particular Devaputra Mara, who infiltrated this pure system and adulterated it with harsh and impure Yang energy; thus, the religions were born, portrayed in greek, roman, norse, and other mythologies as the gods or within the Bible as Jehovah, or in the Koran as Allah. These Yang Gods created and intended the human race to be mindless slaves. The Yang religions also taught absolute obedience to the gods or God and the ultimate worship of the Yang principle. The leader of the gods was always a male god like Wotan. They also taught that the Yin principle of the Dragon Race was chaos and evil; that the Dark principle of the Unborn was a destructive force out to destroy mankind and the Earth.

They personified the Yin principle as Satan, Lucifer, Loki, Pan, or Kali and created cavities of damnation for those who did not worship the Yang principle. As the tide turned, the Dragon Race was eventually defeated yet remnants remained, remnants that planted bodhi-seeds in corrupted mindfields, wherein after immeasurable meritorial Right Action eventually matured into full blooming bodhi, or bodhisattvas. Yet, the original term for these valiant light warriors was bodhigotratvas.

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2 Responses to The Dragon Race

  1. emaho says:

    In this Uncreated Dark Light, abandon the ego and nurture with great care the Bodhi Child within the omniscient Unbound Womb of the Yin.

    Kindle endless bodhicitta with effort and cultivate equanimous compassion for all sentient beings as limitless as space.

    When the last vestiges of wretched Marayana and all the illusions of its myriad appearances has long extinguished and annihilated itself: Eternal and Unborn the Great Primordial Phoenix Dragon abides.

    How wonderful.

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