The Mind Mirror

The frigid gusts of wind that assailed Evan’s countenance served to restore his equilibrium. He found himself enveloped in near-total obscurity. After a brief interval, the moon fleetingly emerged from behind a swarm of inky clouds, affording him the opportunity to re-orient himself. The ground beneath his feet was sodden and treacherous, indicative of a recent downpour. He proceeded with caution, mindful of the perilous footing. Clutching his metallic staff by its slender end, he employed it as a walking stick, and within a few minutes, he detected the unyielding surface of the pavement beneath his soles. The clouds once again parted, and the moon illuminated the thoroughfare that extended northward towards his objective.

The narrow, man-made canyons were shrouded in complete darkness, forcing him to walk with the caution of a blind man. He utilized the metal staff as a probing instrument and groped for railings or building walls with his other hand. The pavements were uneven and cracked, and at one street corner, he stumbled over the curbstone and lost his grip on the staff. The fear of losing the staff filled him with despair, and he struggled to control his rising panic. However, he remembered the mind mirror and activated it, experiencing a momentary pain in the back of his skull before feeling a sense of power and control. He located the staff with the guidance of a tingling sensation in his fingertips and a faint signal from the metal staff. Retrieving the staff from the gutter, he turned the mirror away from his chest, aware of the energy drain caused by such intense concentration.

The purpose of the Mind Mirror was not merely to provide an escape from reality, but rather to enable the mind to delve deep within itself, to reconnect with its original state. It possessed the ability to shift the mind’s focus away from the distractions and disturbances of the external world, allowing it to recall its fundamental essence of being.

In this state of introspection, the mind found solace and tranquility. It was as if the Mind Mirror had the power to strip away the layers of external influences, revealing the core of one’s being. It was a journey back in time, to a place where the mind existed prior to the burdens and worries of the world, a place where the essence of one’s true self resided.

As the mind gazed into the depths of the Mind Mirror, it was as if a veil was lifted, and all other aspects of life became irrelevant. The mind became acutely aware of its own existence, detached from the trivialities and distractions that had once consumed it. It was a moment of pure clarity, where the mind could finally find respite from the constant noise and demands of the outside world.

The Mind Mirror was not a mere tool for escapism, but rather a means of restoration. It allowed the mind to recharge and rejuvenate, to rediscover its purpose and regain its strength. It was a sanctuary for the mind, a place where it could find solace and reconnect with its true self.

In a world where external occurrences held such sway over individuals, the Mind Mirror offered a glimmer of hope. It reminded people that amidst the chaos and noise, there was a way to find inner peace and reclaim their true essence. It was a reminder that the mind had the power to transcend the distractions of the world and reconnect with its original state of being.

And so, the Mind Mirror stood as a testament to the resilience of the human mind. It served as a reminder that, no matter how overwhelming the external world may become, there was always a way to restore one’s fundamental essence and find solace within.

As Evan delved into his thoughts, he found himself reflecting on the distinct characteristics of the two cerebral hemispheres that reside within our cognitive abilities. It became clear to him that the left hemisphere tends to direct its attention outward, towards the external world, while the right hemisphere is more focused on our inner selves. The left hemisphere is primarily concerned with managing the challenges of everyday life, while the right hemisphere takes charge of our emotional states, sentiments, and energy levels.

In moments of tension and exhaustion, Evan realized that the solution lies in immersing oneself in a task that replenishes deep energy reserves. It seemed that the prevailing principle suggests that when one needs assistance and support, it is necessary to turn to the “other self” residing in the right hemisphere of the brain. This phenomenon reminded Evan of Wordsworth’s “Intimations of Immortality” Ode.

In this poem, the poet experiences despondency and weariness, feeling pessimistic about his diminishing ability to find poetic inspiration. However, as he articulates these sentiments into language, he begins to realize that his situation is not as dire as he initially thought. With newfound assurance, he composes verses that speak of a resurgent sense of fortitude and hopefulness. This process exemplifies how expressing one’s emotions can lead to a shift in perspective and a renewed sense of purpose.

Evan also observed that individuals who have suffered significant personal loss often turn to religious faith as a substitute. Their anguish compels them to introspect, and in response, the right hemisphere of the brain offers solace and motivation. The left-brain self becomes aware that it is not alone and believes it has encountered God. While this may indeed be the case, it has also discovered its “silent partner” residing just a few centimeters away – the Unborn Mind. This realization, in itself, is a profound revelation.

In conclusion, Evan contemplated the inherent characteristics of the two cerebral hemispheres and their roles in our cognitive faculties. He recognized the importance of turning inward for support and replenishment, as well as the power of expressing emotions and finding solace in faith. The collaboration between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and the discovery of the Unborn Mind as a silent partner, revealed the complexity and interconnectedness of our inner selves.

Evan proceeded to circumambulate before an immense Tower before him, intently scrutinizing its exterior in an attempt to discern any indication of an ingress. Regrettably, the impeccably polished alabaster surface exhibited no discernible crevice or aperture. Despite this, he persisted in experiencing a peculiar, prickling sensation, accompanied by a pungent, metallic aroma. He was resolute in his endeavor to uncover the clandestine entrance of the edifice towering before him…


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