Tag Archives: Adrian Snodgrass

Vairocana—the Matrix of the Buddha Sun

Having failed in his attempt with the tulpa-doppelganger, the Black Ngagspa made astral contact with his evil Lord of Agarthi. Standing before him wearing a dark green robe and his hands clothed with luminous-green-gloves, the evil Lord had been watching events unfold through his own ‘Mirror of Darkness’. Clearly displeased with his neophyte, he took control of the situation and in an instant, the Black Ngagspa watched as a pair of green-gloves—similar to the ones his Lord was wearing—materialized with their eerie green-glow on his own hands. The Lord of Agarthi warned him to take care, for the gloves were poisonous and just one touch would prove to be fatal. The gloves’ substance was made from the paste of an aconite plant—known as monkshood—and with the slightest contact toxins from the plant, absorbed through the skin, would result in instant death. This was to be the means of deciding Schäfer’s fate. read more

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Valhalla for a Bodhisattva

The inner-landscape changed dramatically for Schäfer as he found himself flying on a wind-mandala high above the majestic setting of a Tibetan cordillera. The mandala’s semi-circular shape seemed to curve in and out of the ever expanding vista until it gradually came to rest in a clearing surrounded by the tangy-like smell of evergreen trees. From the midst of the trees a circular-shape began to emerge, one that slowly but surely revealed the smiling face of a Green Goddess: read more

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