Tag Archives: Garbhāvakrānti sutra

I Can See Clearly Now

  1. Imagining by this imagination, self-substance is conceived to rise by the conditions of origination (pratyayabhava); an external world is recognized in distortion, there is [in fact] no such external world, but just the Mind.

Pratyayabhava: from the root pratyaya:

paccaya (Pāli, condition; Skt., pratyaya). A condition, or that on which something depends. The *Abhidharma arrived at a comprehensive list of 24 kinds of conditions. These are described in the *Paṭṭhāna, the last book of the *Theravāda Abhidharma. The analysis is thought to encompass all conceivable relationships between phenomena, whether mental or physical. (Oxford Dictionary of Buddhism) read more

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