Tag Archives: Nirbīja Contemplation

Seedless Contemplation

Completion of Book I

Seedless (Nirbīja) Contemplation

The prior sutras all bore merit in disabling the cognitive functions of mind and simultaneously planting rich bodhi-seeds of awareness, thus empowering the yogin to transcend all spheres of samsara and rest in the tranquility of the un-bifurcated (undivided) Unborn Mind. However, the exercises are not yet complete since there is, however subtle, a need to supersede all forms of the slightest objective-semblance that one yearns to meditate on. Seedless Contemplation is when the yogin is so totally AT-ONE with the Unborn that there is no longer any maturation of discursive thought patterns; it is the ultimate prajñā that is Self-Realized without any outflows of intellectual interference. In effect, all becomes sublimated within the Amala-consciousness of the Tathagatas. read more

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