Tag Archives: Unborn Light Reiki


The sequence used in this series is to firstly place the text, followed by Śaṅkara’s commentary, and then subsequently a commentary in Light of the Unborn. The main translation used will be by Swami Nikhilananda, unless otherwise noted. read more

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Unborn Light Reiki

Originally published back in 2004, Unborn Light Reiki is a healing modality that links together the principles found within Unborn Mind Zen and Original Usui Reiki; its focus is to foster a new Reiki technique that is highlighted with the Lankavatarian principles that constitute Unborn Mind Zen. It needs to be underscored that Unborn Light Reiki is a supplementary Reiki modality and is not meant to supersede Usui’s original form; therefore anyone reading this who is experiencing Reiki for the first time needs to be aware of this and it is recommended that they pursue a foundation in traditional Reiki forms before undertaking the practice of Unborn Light Reiki. Once a foundation is realized then Unborn Light Reiki will provide a wonderful supplement to one’s Reiki practice as its principles provide a deeper realization to spiritual development by utilizing disciplined dhyana techniques that nicely blend together Usui’s original intent and the mystical impetus of the Unborn. One also quickly discerns that this singular variation of Reiki is meant for the solitary practitioner, not the hyped-new age social-media brand. read more

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