Liturgy of Consecration




Structure of Liturgy:

1. Litany of the Shining Ones: the entire assembly stands and chants the following litany:

Divine Shrine of Refuge, hear us
Holy One of Enlightened Virtue, hear us
Treasury of Endless Wisdom, hear us
Holy Guide of Gods and Men, hear us
Vanquisher of all Sorrows, hear us
Most Highly Auspicious One, hear us
Lord of all Sovereign Powers, hear us
Luminous Host of Boundless Light, hear us
Shining Star of Liberation, hear us
Bestower of Transcendent Ways, hear us
Lord of Awakening Space, hear us
Lord of Profound Faith and Endless Joy, hear us
Unhindered Light of Majestic Wisdom, hear us
Invincible Radiance Pure as Snow, hear us
Soundless Sound Illuminating the Night, hear us
Undaunted Destructor of Mara’s hordes, hear us
Great Lion of Undivided Awareness, hear us
Clear Light of Inconceivable Truth, hear us
Wonderful Wreath Bathed with Fragrant Crystals, hear us
Dragon-Eye of Lapis Lazuli, hear us
Jeweled Flame Alighting All Beings, hear us
Mystic Sea with Waves of Silvery-gold, hear us
Mountain Abode encircled with Adamantine Clouds, hear us
Demon Queller Adorned with Strings of Skulls, hear us
Awakened Chief Emitting Immutable Knowledge, hear us
Anointed Mind with Deathless Signlessness, hear us
Equanimous Lord of Noncontention, hear us
Endower of Great Skillful-Liberative Techniques, hear us
Mystic Guide of Profound Spiritual Powers, hear us
Unwavering Mind of Boundless Felicity, hear us
Harmonious One Adorned with Tolerance, hear us
Unmoving Silent One Etched in Lightning, hear us

2. Preparation of the Altar: the Vajrasattva Priest and five acolytes proceed to the circular altar in the center of the Ritual Space. Four acolytes station themselves in one of the smaller circles surrounding the center altar, while the fifth stands alongside the priest. Firstly, the acolyte next to the priest hands him the Sacred Vajra and Bell, which the priest blesses as the acolyte places them on the altar. The acolyte representing Vairocana moves off his (EAST—[since the priest is also representative of Akṣhobhya, he is now located in the center] ) circle and approaches the altar with a large Dharmachakra which he places at the center-end of the altar. Then the acolyte representing Amitābha moves off his circle (WEST) and approaches the altar with a large Blue Lotus which he places in a decorative aspersorium (vessel that contains blessed water) of perfumed water in the center of the altar. Next, the acolyte representing Ratnasambhava leaves his designated circle (SOUTH) and places the triratna (Three-Jewels) in an upward position near the Lotus. Lastly, the acolyte representing Amoghasiddhi leaves his circle (NORTH) and places the adamantine scepter on the opposite side of the Lotus. During these consecutive actions the priest blesses the sacred items from his centered-position; the acolytes return to their respective circles after dispensing the sacred articles.

3. Blessing and Consecration of the Bodhibody: the priest next picks up the Sacred Vajra, then slowly raises and submerges it into the Sacred Blue Lotus (within the perfumed-water) three times while intoning the following:


“OṀ Vajradhara HŪṀ”
“OṀ Tā-re-tu-tā-re tu-re Svā hā”
“OṀ Bodhikaya EVAṀ”

[Simultaneously the Acolyte rings the Sacred Bell signaling the Divine Action of Consecration]

(This formula consecrates the Prajñā (Feminine Wisdom-Receptive Principle[Yin]) and Upāya (Masculine Regenerative-Active Principle [Yang] thus producing through “Bodhicitta” the Bodhibody.)

4. Rite of Asperges: the priest then addresses the assembly with the following questions:

“Do you renounce Māra and all forces of evil that conspire against the Unborn? 

Assembly: “We renounce them.” 

“Do you renounce all the evil powers of samsara that corrupt and draw you away from the Unborn?” 

Assembly: “We renounce them.” 

“Do you renounce your own corrupt dark desires that prevent you from becoming Light-Bearers of the Unborn?”

Assembly: “We renounce them.” 

(The priest then proceeds, with an accompanying acolyte, to sprinkle the consecrated perfumed water [from within the Lotus aspersorium] from the top-end of the Sacred Vajra upon the assembly.)

The entire assembly then sits for a time of silent reflection.

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