Third Scrutiny




As Amitābha Buddha departed Acintapa Mahasiddha sensed a warm sensation permeating his Self (Heart) Chakra as Akobhya Buddha now became the dominant manifestation. Vairocana’s seed element O reveals Universality , Akobhya Buddha’s HŪ generates the descent into the depth dimension of the Heart—the Transcendental manifesting in the ephemeral: this is the emergence of Akobhya’s Wisdom of the Great Mirror, thus reflecting the Void (śūnyāta) in the phenomenal as much as the phenomenal is in the manifested side of Voidness. The Sacred HŪ vibrating in the Self (Heart) Chakra is symbolized in Akobhya touching the earth—the Sovereign Sign that vanquishes the power of the evil one. This symbolic action also represents the union of the Spiritual (Vajradhātu) with the Matrix-element (Garbhadhātu) as Akobhya’s five fingers (Matrix-element) grasped the index finger (Spiritual-Diamond Element) of his right hand; Akobhya spoke thus: 

“May the Elect now dwell permanently in quietude within the Sacred Heart of the Sugata. May he also reflect the heart of Universal Compassion thus empowering all sentient beings to attain like-minded Purity of Heart and Mind.” 

The assembly formed Akobhya’s Sacred Bhumisparsa Mudra and then chanted their Intercessory Dharani:

Bhumisparsa Mudra

Diamond Heart of Invulnerable Protection, strengthen his resolve
Unshakable Heart of Recollection, strengthen his resolve
Resilient Heart crushing the armies of demons, strengthen his resolve
Diligent Heart of Perseverance in all trials, strengthen his resolve
Omniscient Heart dissolving all Illusions, strengthen his resolve
Heart filled with Illuminating Gnosis, strengthen his resolve
Equanimous Heart not tainted with judgment, strengthen his resolve
Enlightened Heart of the Ten Powers, strengthen his resolve
Courageous Heart overcoming all fear, strengthen his resolve
Charitable Heart of endless generosity, strengthen his resolve
Consoling Heart of boundless comfort, strengthen his resolve
Discerning Heart penetrating all ignorance, strengthen his resolve
Silent Heart of Our Lady of the Void, strengthen his resolve
Nurturing Heart of Ayra Tārā, strengthen his resolve
Lotus Heart permeating Divine Fragrance, strengthen his resolve
Sacred Heart of Noble Wisdom, strengthen his resolve


Akobhya Buddha then raised his arms to deliver the final exorcism:


“Blessed One, Spirit of Light and not the Darkness of the Evil One, we beseech thee to bestow a faithful spirit of resolve in the heart of this Elect. 

May he now be permanently freed from all spirits of evil and always go-forth with an enlivened heart and mind to proclaim the Buddhadharma faithfully forevermore.” 

Upon the completion of the sequence of exorcisms, Mahasiddha Acintapa entered into the vajropama-samādhi and thus won final cleansing from the effects of all vexatious kleshas and agencies of the Evil One.


Vairocana’s seed element O reveals Universality, Akobhya Buddha’s HŪ generates the descent into the depth dimension of the Heart—the Transcendental manifesting in the ephemeral: in this sense, OṀ is like a radiant Sun—the Principle that bestows Light; HŪṀ is like the virgin soil in which the OṀ awakens all dormant life. While OṀ is the ultimate Transcendent Source, HŪṀ represents the Transcendent in the Immanent.  While HŪṀ cannot do without OṀ, it still represents that “Middle-Course” between the infinite and the finite—it is the nexus through which both are expressed.

This symbolic action also represents the union of the Spiritual (Vajradhātu) with the Matrix-element (Garbhadhātu): Acintapa Mahasiddha needs to be finely attuned with HŪṀ in order to complete the equation between the Transcendent Spirit and its generating impetus within the Matrix.

Upon the completion of the sequence of exorcisms, Mahasiddha Acintapa entered into the vajropama-samādhi: upon completion of receiving the spiritual cleansing of the sequence of intercessions and exorcisms (indeed after all these Dharanis and Exorcisms, he has received doubly-reinforced Spiritual Protection and Cleansing), Acintapa Mahasiddha has become empowered to enter into a type of samādhi that has a diamond-like one-pointedness of Mind that cuts-through and dissolves away any lingering traces of defilement.

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