Tag Archives: annihilation

The Desecration of Nirvana

“Once again, Śāriputra, on the basis of the view that there is decrease, these beings further entertain three types of views. These three types of views and that view that there is decrease are inseparable, like [the threads of] a gauze net. What are the three views? 1. The view of annihilation, that is, that there is absolute exhaustion. 2. The view that there is extinction, that is, precisely nirvāṇa. 3.The view that there is no nirvāṇa, that is, that this nirvāṇa is absolute quiescence. These three types of views, Śāriputra, fetter [beings] in this way, grasp [beings] in this way, and cling [to beings] in this way. read more

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