Tag Archives: Right View

Right View

In the realm of Buddhism, there exists a noble pursuit, a quest to perceive the world in its unadulterated form, devoid of any distortions or illusions. This pursuit is known as Yathabhutam, a profound endeavor to truly “see” the essence of Reality as it truly is, stripped of any superficial manifestations. However, it seems that within the contemporary Buddhist landscape, this timeless wisdom has been forgotten, overshadowed by a rampant wave of spiritual materialism. This misguided approach, centered around self-indulgence and human-centered ideologies, has led many astray from the path of true enlightenment. It begs the question, can anyone awaken from this delusion and recognize the inherent absurdity of this paradoxical notion? It is truly foolish to equate the spiritual with the material, and those who do so fail to grasp the essence of Buddhism itself. Yet, this distorted perspective has become the prevailing ideology in modern Buddhism, replacing the profound teachings of the Buddhadharma with shallow and superficial notions of holistic development. In reality, this approach only serves to imprison the spirit within the chains of material desires, constantly bombarding us with the allure of sensual gratification, a constant reminder of our entrapment. read more

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The Creator

An earnest, true Lankavatarian adept of the Unborn Mind-school should recognize and be fully convinced that this triple world is nothing but a complex manifestation of one`s mental activities; that it is devoid of selfness and its belongings. That there are no strivings, no comings and no goings. In light of the Lanka, One should recognize and accept the fact that this triple world is manifested and imagined as real only under the influence of habit-energy that has been accumulated since the beginning-less past, by reason of memory, false-imagination, false-reasoning as well as attachments to the multiplicities of objects and reactions in close relationship and in conformity to ideas of body-property-and-its-master, the imaginary mind. read more

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The Dharma of the Unborn Buddha Mind

There is no greater enemy than one’s own desires, one’s own fears, one’s own pride and one’s own self-ignorance. Rich or utterly poor. Powerful or powerless. Insidious or good. Whatever the karma behind our present body consciousness is, we should never accept it nor become too complacent with its transient images that once invited to roam freely, will ultimately re-focus our Minds to deem this illustrious haze of half-truths and lies as real-self or part of self-actualization.  read more

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Divine Revelation in Pali Buddhism

Dr. Peter Masefield’s groundbreaking study, Divine Revelation in Pali Buddhism, has become a standard-bearer for those who approach the early narratives of Buddhism, not exclusively through the torch of Historical-Critical-Analysis, but through a direct and synthesized correlation of what transpires in those sacred chronicles via a series of recurring themes and general non-sectarian mystical vantage points. Masefield contends that his study is a revaluation and a re-mythologization of what mainstream academia shuns and holds as anathema to their rigid methodologies. One reviewer writes: read more

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Darkness at Noon

“If, Śāriputra, there are bhikṣus or bhikṣuṇīs, upāsakas or upāsikās, who entertain one or the other view, the buddhas and tathāgatas are not their teachers, and such people are not my disciples. read more

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The Desecration of Nirvana

“Once again, Śāriputra, on the basis of the view that there is decrease, these beings further entertain three types of views. These three types of views and that view that there is decrease are inseparable, like [the threads of] a gauze net. What are the three views? 1. The view of annihilation, that is, that there is absolute exhaustion. 2. The view that there is extinction, that is, precisely nirvāṇa. 3.The view that there is no nirvāṇa, that is, that this nirvāṇa is absolute quiescence. These three types of views, Śāriputra, fetter [beings] in this way, grasp [beings] in this way, and cling [to beings] in this way. read more

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