Tag Archives: Colin Wilson

Mind at Large

Aldous Huxley’s (1894-1963) best known works are Brave New World, written in 1931, a favorite time-frame of mine since it was the same year that Bela Lugosi’s Dracula and Boris Karloff’s Frankenstein were released; The Perennial Philosophy in 1945, and the work that concerns us here, The Doors of Perception in 1954. read more

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Colin Wilson, (1931-2013)

Just discovered that my favorite author, Colin Wilson, passed-away recently; I’ve made reference to Wilson’s work in the past within some of these blog posts. Became acquainted with his writings as a teen in the 1970’s and his work was most influential for my young spiritual development at the time. I also had the privilege of attending one of his workshops at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY in 1990. He was a leading herald for new existential-evolutionary advancements in consciousness and his eclectic style has always been a source of inspiration. It truly feels like I’ve lost a close friend. The following is an in-depth obit: read more

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Living attuned to the undivided bodhipower of the Unborn Mind and Spirit is a matter of proper balance—of attuning oneself to the inner spiritual equilibrium that determines a healthy and well-managed lifestyle. The two previous posts focused on what it’s like when this vital equilibrium is absent—and that is imbalance. We know what it’s like when the material world runs headstrong into the natural world; we know what it’s like within ourselves when we focus too much on our head to the neglect of our heart…and vice versa—when the emotions run amok and completely submerge our rational thinking. One of the best exposes on this can be found in Colin Wilson’s classic work, The Outsider…in particular his chapter on Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov. Each brother represents one aspect of the human and spiritual dimension—for instance, Ivan represents the Intellect, while the younger brother, Alyosha, depicts the more emotive, religious temperament. Wilson’s work is a marvelous case study in the psychological, philosophical and spiritual dimensions of what constitutes the holistic development of man. read more

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