Tag Archives: Dharmasota

The Passage to Spiritual-Sovereignty

  1. In self-realisation itself there are no time [-limits]; it goes beyond all the realms belonging to the various stages; transcending the measure of thought, it establishes itself as the result [of discipline in the realm] of no-appearance.

Self-realization: another dominant term that lies at the very heart of the Lanka—indeed, as Suzuki writes, its principle-thesis. This is also the principle reason why Bodhidharma handed over his copy of the Lanka to Huike, signifying the all-importance of awakening that inner-perception, the process wherein Mind awakens to the truth of ITs inner recesses and thus comes to the realization that all that is seen is seen of the Mind Itself. Suzuki develops this further within the context of the Lanka itself: read more

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The Sound of Silence

9.The Dharma-Door of Nonduality

We now come to the most famous passage in the whole sutra: Vimalakriti’s Noble Silence. It deserves special consideration. We find all of the Bodhisattvas expounding ad nauseam (all dribbling nonsense) their take on the nature of Non-duality. When all of the grandiose extrapolations have ceased, we find Mañjuśrī succinctly downplaying their theories as being in themselves “dualistic”. Then he addresses Vimalakriti for his take on the matter, and of course Vimalakriti responds with a deafening silence. read more

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