Tag Archives: exorcism

Die Weltkinder

As specified by The Zennist, the most accurate word describing “puthujjana (S., prithagjana) is, in one word, profane. In the religious sense a puthujjana is someone who has not entered the supermundane path—someone who is not a srotāpanna (a current winner).” This is the common “worldling” that embraces not Authentic Buddhism as taught by Gautama Buddha, but rather that of a secular variety. This is a far cry from the ariyan whose sole allegiance is to Spiritual Reality: read more

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First Scrutiny

Part Two: Completion


Emerging from the Dharma-Cloud of the Tathagatas, Mahasiddha Acintapa realized he was back in his manomakaya-body once again as he moved forward down a long and seemingly endless bridge made of crystalline light. Soon though he encountered a hooded-figure with an imageless-face who addressed him in the following manner: read more

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The Surangama Mantra

“Ananda bowed at the Buddha’s feet and said, “After I left the home-life, I relied on the Buddha’s affectionate regard. Because I sought erudition, I still have not been certified to the unconditioned. read more

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They’re Here….

At that time, the Tathagata was preparing to leave the Dharma seat. From the lion throne, he extended his hand and placed it on a small table wrought of the seven precious things. But then he turned his body, which was the color of purple golden mountains, and leaned back, saying to everyone in the assembly and to Ananda: “Those of you with More to Learn, those Enlightened by Conditions, and those who are Hearers have now turned your minds to pursue the attainment of supreme Bodhi the unsurpassed, wonderful enlightenment. I have already taught you the true method of cultivation. read more

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