Tag Archives: Generation Stage

Foundations: The Tathāgatagarbhatārā Tantra

The Vajrayana essentially follows the old principle of hermetic magic, ‘as above so below’. By manipulating the mundane consciousness, it effectively induces change on the spiritual level. By reconstructing the mundane environment as a reflection of the Enlightened Mind, it imbues ordinary mind with a sacred quality. Although this reconstruction of the normal channels of consciousness is by no means an easy affair. One can easily get burned in the practice of Tantra. Unless one’s karma is somehow immaculately pristine and devoid of adventitious defilements—an unlikely scenario—then long time preparation in the foundation of Sutrayana, as well as many years spent experiencing Dhyāna and Deep Samādhis, is a good prerequisite before embarking on the spiritual trek of the Vajrayana. read more

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