Tag Archives: Isolation

The Mind of the Perceiver

iv. 23-26 Gradations of  Perception

4.23 The Observer, the field of knowledge, and knowledge itself are conjoined in the mind of the perceiver. read more

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The Great Escape

ii.25 The Isolation of the Watcher dissolves the nexus with Phenomena

The Watcher is a creation of maya (illusion). When incarcerated in the skandhic-materially-laden realms of defiled aggregated existence, there emerges the mistaken identity of the Watcher for the Self. This erroneous identification (avidya) can be dissolved when this Watcher is bracketed (isolated) from the equation of Self-Recollection. What remains is the Self grounded in Its own True Identity=Tathata.  In order for this liberation to occur the yogin needs to develop the recently aforementioned spiritual discipline. Through those meditation/contemplative tools the anti-self of the Watcher can be isolated and scrutinized by the Wisdom-Eye of Tathata that can see straight-through this false energy signature and call it out for the bogus observer that it claims to be . This all-seeing Eye of Perfect Suchness has the faculty of undivided awareness-power that is yoked with the perfect-wisdom of the Tathagatakaya (the Luminous Spirit-Body-Mind of the Tathagata). There are no discriminatory marks in the Unborn. Thus any Mind-imposter that engages in the act of discriminating the passing superficiality of any given phenomenal-field can be singled-out for the con-artist it actually is. read more

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