Tag Archives: Lord Avalokiteshvara

Ticket to Ride


“In this way, Shariputra, should a Bodhisattva and Mahasattva train in the profound Perfection of Wisdom.” Then the Lord rose from his concentration and commended the noble Lord Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva and Mahasattva, saying “Well done, well done, O son of good family! So it is, O son of good family, so it is. Just as you have taught, should the profound Perfection of Wisdom be practiced and all the Tathagatas will rejoice.”  read more

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The Light Warrior


At that time also the noble Lord Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva and Mahasattva, in the practice of the profound Perfection of Wisdom looked down; he beheld but five skandhas and that in their own being they were empty. Then, through the inspiration of the Buddha, the elder Shariputra said to the noble Lord Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva and Mahasattva, “How should any son of good family train who wishes to engage in the practice of the profound Perfection of Wisdom?” And the noble Lord Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva and Mahasattva, spoke to the elder Shariputra as follows, “Shariputra, any son or daughter of good family who wishes to engage in the practice of the profound Perfection of Wisdom should look upon it thus: he (or she) beholds but five skandhas and that in their own-being they are empty.” read more

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