Tag Archives: Vaishravana

Lotus Sutra Dharanis

Dhāraṇīs are special mystical-invocations used to provide spiritual-protection for its recipients. The ones encountered in chapter 26 are meant to protect the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and its devotees. Herein we find many diverse beings uttering dhāraṇīs, from Bodhisattvas (like Medicine King) and even from rākṣasīs. The following is one uttered by Vaishravana, protector of the world: read more

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Riding the Wave


Enraptured in deep samādhis during the revelatory action of the Lord’s discourse within the resplendent spiritual plane of Sambhogakāya, Acintapa the Mahasiddha was abruptly roused from his reverie when the Blessed Vajradhara extracted him, like a tiny insect, from the pore of his luminous skin. Mahasiddha Acintapa’s manomakaya-body then expanded to the same relative-size of the Five Dhyanī Buddha’s Maṇḍala and gradually came to rest above and parallel to this shining ideation of the Tathagatas. His form then began to vibrate at an incredible rate as it slowly descended to merge with the Maṇḍala.  read more

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