Tag Archives: Yogikaya

The Assumption of the Yogikaya

As an earlier post revealed, once Amoghasiddhi’s Key has been turned in the meditative act of spiritual ejaculation, the bodhi-bindu rises to the Dharmachakra and is experienced as Vairocana’s enrapturement. The yogin is now enjoined with Vairocana as the wind and mind are sown as one; thus the speech of the Tathagatas is conferred. The Tathagata speaks powerfully within the Yogic-Host; the Mind of the Tathagatas is now activated and regulates the daily rhythm of the yogin’s breath. When the breath reaches an impasse, the Tathagata still remains absorbed. There is now only the Yogikaya, the Assumption of the Yogi/Yogini’s spiritual-body into the Transcendent Body of the Tathagata. read more

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