Monthly Archives: September 2012

The Total Life-World: Bardo 1, Conclusion

In the Spring of 1985 I concluded my Master’s Thesis and its theme was an unusual one: An Approach Towards Transcendent Exposures, A Greater Ministerial Awareness of The Significance (or Non) of Visions and Apparitions. I coined the term “Transcendent Exposures” to represent all those occurrences wherein, throughout the Millennium, people have had actual or purported exposure to something manifesting itself from the Transcendent Plane of reality—like the Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje that were most pronounced at the time. I say unusual, because whereas the others in my class were exclusively focusing upon conventional concerns in the area of ministerial praxis, I went out on a limb to portray a “transcendental dimension” which at the time was not looked upon too favorably within the scholastic field. In this sense, I was forever The Rebel {grin} amongst my peers; from the earliest days of my seminary training, right from the start as we all shared together in the classroom what brought us to the calling of priesthood, when I described my “mystical encounters” with the writings of St. John of the Cross, there were “grave looks upon the faces of the priests” present in the room. Indeed, theirs was a world centered on “historical consciousness” framed methodologies as any reference to spiritualities that bespoke of apophatic mysticism had fallen on bad times. read more

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Primordial Qigong in Light of the Unborn: Bardo 1, Part 6

The body and its consciousness is a vehicle (awareness mechanism) wherein [in Bardo Realm One] the awareness principle slowly comes to self-realization—like a pearl of great price embedded in its shell beneath the heavy-pressurized environment-matrix of the oceanic depths of samsara. In its early-stages the shell is moist and somewhat malleable but as the decades roll-on it becomes hardened and is in need of constant maintenance. Primordial Qigong is a modality that oils and lubricates the awareness mechanism, keeping the life-energy-current (Qi) circulating within the meridians and chakras—channels that direct and keep the Qi-flowing and thus preventing any form of breakdown or interference within the electro-magnetic fields that sustain the mechanism. On the spiritual-level something even more profound is occurring—the bodhi-seed (gotra), implanted through the auspicious and bodhidharmic actions of the Noble Ones (advocates of the Tathata-Family), begins its gestation in the dharma-womb as mystically-positioned in the Dantien (Bodhi-Chakra [see previous post]). As the ancient Daoists have described, this is the “spiritual-child” that has the potential to develop an immortal position within the dharma-cell of Tathagatadhatu Itself—provided that the awareness principle is fully attuned and aligned with the dharmatātic Element of Truth when the Bardo of Dharmatā arises. *This need not occur through a linear progression of the Bardo-stages as the Bodhichild can come to fruition prior to any stage; yet its “housed-positioned and ‘umbilical linkage’ to the tathagata-garbha” within the Dantien can become soiled and its progress curtailed if its defiled-twin (housed within the alaya-vijnana) supersedes its position via improper circulation within the meridian and chakra channels. Thus heaven (Shen) must be continuously aligned with Earth (Jing elements) via the proper bodhiflow of (Qi). Or, as stated in an earlier post, the psyche and awareness agency needs to become aligned [on a consistent basis] with the Unborn Will—or as the Daoist’s say, “Earth needs to be aligned with Heaven—with the Primordial Tao Itself.” read more

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The Elixir of Life: Bardo 1, Part 5

The equation, Spirit-Mind-Body, is in actuality an ancient alchemical formula. Together they forge the alignment that accounts for the proper and holistic flow for the elixir of Primordial Bodhi. In a very real sense they are a reflection of the Trikayic Bodies of the Buddha: Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, and Nirmanakaya. The ancient Tibetans were fully aware of this formulation and were able to incorporate it into The Tibetan Book of the Dead. One can see the inherent wisdom in this as these elemental quotients correlate the Supreme Principle that is never static or frozen in any one state, but a constant and vibrant flow of bodhipower: the fluidity of Spirit that is manifested on the Visionary plane and concretized into a unit of transformational elasticity, or Vehicle (Body) enroute to its Pure Mind Self-realization; a true cosmic play of the elementals curving back and forth across the deathless dimension of the unborn. The Daoist factor comes into play when the cognizance dawns that the inner-channel of communication, or working relationship between these elementals is the Primordial Qi—that essential life-force energy that keeps the interaction in motion. If the Qi is hindered or blocked in any way, as relayed through my own experience in the previous post, then breakdown occurs that inhibits proper bodhi-flow and general well-being. Primordial Qigong is one modality that can keep the play of the primordial elements in check. read more

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A Proper Union: Bardo 1, Part 4

One of the salient points to keep in mind during progress through Bardo Realm One, is that essential “balance” between Spirit-Mind-Body that was indicated at the end of the last blog post. Exclusive focus, like ascending the stages to Suramgamasamadhi(or the heroic assent to deep samadhi)—wonderfully portrayed in the Suramgamasamddhisutra (A future blog-series on its own at a future junction)—while a vitally necessary spiritual component, which will be shared in depth during Bardo Realm Three (on meditation and Deep Samadhi), can lead to something analogously akin to a cerebral hemorrhaging of the Mind/Spirit (by this is meant too heavy a reliance on the Suramgamasamddhi-scale to the neglect of the whole awareness mechanism). For instance, the Daoists suggest that this “overweening” of spirit (Shen) to the neglect of the proper-flow of Qi within the Jing (Physical dimension) can lead to adverse affects on overall health and general well-being. In a nutshell—too much Yin that has to overcompensate for the disabled Yang quotient. I’ve experienced this when relying too exclusively on “spiritual” meditations and reflections—they can oftentimes leave one feeling drained of energy, almost zombie-like. We do not live in this saha-realm as disembodied spirits—we need proper “Jing” food as well. read more

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Olympiad of Death: Bardo 1, Part 3

Being a priest and regularly attending to the dying, in particular during my three-year ministry as a hospital chaplain during the ‘90s, certainly gives one a good, first-hand appreciation of the dying process. There have been occurrences when someone passes swiftly, like the after effects of a sudden coronary attack or through being a victim of a tragic accident. But by and large for the majority of people this can be a long drawn-out, painful, and most undignified process. There are divisive forces at work within the individual that prevent a noble passing: Severe Extraordinary Measures that are used which keep even vegetable-like bodies alive for weeks and weeks and even months (extreme cases—even years!) on end; an inability to sever the karmic ties that bind one to this samsaric plane; for some, even radical attacks from deep-rooted psychological baggage that prevents them from leaving this plane of reality in a peaceful manner. I’m reminded of a wife of someone who had passed at home after a long and weary illness, who stated that the expression on her dead husband’s face was one of sheer terror! All of these incidents are very clear indicators and reminders that the Western World just doesn’t deal well at all with death and the dying process. The focus is just to maintain that “here and now” kind of mentality. What matters, above all else, is this material existence—as if it’s some kind of immortal stuff in and of itself. On the contrary, THIS IS ONLY A BARDO EXPERIENCE—A Passing-through time until, hopefully, a Reality above anything anyone can ask or imagine, awaits the Aware-Self. read more

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