

(D) Benediction

The priest of the Five Dhyanī Buddhas also is united with their Primal Source; thus Vajrasattva is esoterically representative of Samantabhadra Ādi-Buddha, the Unborn and Imageless Dharmakaya element. As the Divine Liturgy of Vajrasattva draws to a close, this Primordial Representation is appropriately revealed in the Benediction, with a primary-focal tool being utilized—the imageless-mirror encased in decorative form atop a Lotus-stand:


An acolyte proceeds to a decorative Buddhist Tabernacle in which the imageless-mirror is housed:


The acolyte brings and places this object of veneration on the altar. Another acolyte then places a Ritual Cope over the shoulders of the Vajrasattva Priest:


The priest inserts his hands in the inside pockets of the Cope and raises the imageless mirror high above and turns and pauses in four directions, during which time the assembly pays reverence to the object of veneration.

The priest then lowers and places the imageless mirror on the altar. An acolyte hands the priest a Lotus Incense Holder equipped with chain and then adds Dragon’s Blood incense. The priest then swings the Lotus Incense Holder round the object of veneration and also circumambulates round the altar as well. During this incensing appropriate meditative music is played.


After the incensing the priest and acolytes proceed to the front of the altar and lead the congregation in chanting Buddhist Divine Praises:

Blessed be Samantabhadra
Blessed be Vairocana
Blessed be Akṣhobhya
Blessed be Amoghasiddhi
Blessed be Amitabha
Blessed be Ratnasambhava
Blessed be Ayra Tārā
Blessed be Siddharta Gautama
Blessed be Noble Maitreya
Blessed be Noble Avalokiteshvara
Blessed be Noble Manjushri
Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Suchness
Blessed be the Mani-Pearl in the Lotus
Blessed be all Buddhas and Maha-Bodhisattvas. Svā-Hā.

The priest and acolytes then reverently bow in gassho fashion and silently depart. The assembly is welcome to stay and continue to silently reverence the Imageless Mirror resting on the altar.

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