From, Tibetan Zen, by Sam Van Schaik
A monk who waters the fields of the dharma path and does not grow the seeds of discriminating awareness within it—this is dharma practice.
As for “mind at ease”, in brief, there are four types: (i) The mind that is contrary to the universal principle, which is generally the mind of an ordinary person. (ii) The mind that tends towards the universal principle and seeks nirvāṇa out of disillusionment with saṃsāra; tending towards emptiness and stillness, this is known as “the mind of the hearers.” (iii) The mind that tends toward the universal principle, cutting through obscuration and engaging with the universal principle; yet, since this is in a way of being (sattva) that is skilled in ordinary mental states, it is not the mind of enlightenment (bodhicitta). (iv) The mind of sameness, not mistaking the inner, not mistaking the outer, it is in accord with the universal principle of sameness. This is the mind of a Buddha.