Tag Archives: White Ngagspa

Notes from the Iron Stupa: Epilogue

Stupa Image from the Doog Diaries

The Black Ngagspa lost all evil intent after witnessing Schäfer’s Vajrasattvic Empowerment—indeed, it was as if the Sacred Action had suctioned-off any and all residuals of malice—and his role in the scheme of the evil Lord of Agarthi was apparently over, but for one thing…in a twisted maneuver his former Dark Lord had been witnessing these events unfold nearby—such was his astral prowess. He may have lost his novice to the Buddhaic-Light, but he found the prize! At first he was astonished how the long lost substance of the Vril had metastasized into the form of a meteorite statue—but there it was! Lying there in its aquiline prison at the apex of the Iron Stupa was the figure of a hooded monk grasping a strange weapon at his side… read more

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