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Tag Archives: Arhat
Carriers of the Seed

An excellent composite study of Bodhicitta as well as all things Bodhisattva is The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, by Har Dayal circa 1932. For myself it has become the bible regarding such subject matter. What I treasure most about it is that it was written before contemporary sectarian studies that always flavors said material with superficial psychophysical makeup that mars the original import of the Bodhi-structure itself. Before dining on the succulent taste of this endeavor we must first focus on those who prepare the ingredients of this marvelous meal. The Carriers of the Bodhi-seed. Bodhisattvas as well as Arhats, yes Arhats too have much ado concerning this cuisine raffinée. Recollect that one of the epithets of the Buddha is that of an Arhat, this even after his former career as a Bodhisattva.
Posted in Bodhicitta, Spirituality
Tagged Arhat, Bodhi, Bodhisattva, Har Dayal, Pratyekabuddhas, sattva
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The Fab-Four

Chapter Eight: The Four Dependables
(Mark L. Blum translation):
The Buddha said:
Good man, within this Subtle Sutra of the Great Nirvana there are four kinds of people who capably protect the true-dharma, promote the true-dharma, and keep the true-dharma in their thoughts. They bring much in the way of blessings and mercy to the world, for they are supports for the world, [sources of] tranquil bliss for humans and gods alike.
Posted in The Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra
Tagged anāgāmin, Arhat, āryapudgala, bodhicitta, Buddha Vehicle, catuḥpratisaraṇa, Dharmata, mindstream, sakṛdāgāmin, srotaāpanna
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The True Nature of Bodhi

At that time, Śāriputra addressed the Buddha, saying, “Bhagavān, the beginning bodhisattvas are unable to understand Prajñāpāramitā as Mañjuśrī explains it.” Mañjuśrī said, “It is not only the beginning bodhisattvas who are unable to understand, but also those who are established in the Two Vehicles have not yet been able to understand it. When the Dharma is explained thusly, they are unable to understand it. Why? The appearance of Bodhi is truly without the existence of dharmas which may be known. It is without seeing and hearing, without grasping and without thought, without birth and without death, without speech and without listening. As such, the appearance of the nature of Bodhi is empty and silent, without realization and without knowledge, without form and without appearance, so how could there be the existence of one who attains Bodhi?”
Posted in Mañjuśrī Teaches Prajñāpāramitā
Tagged Arhat, Bodhi, Bodhi-field, Dharma, dharmadhatu, Five Offenses, Śāriputra, True Nature, Unmoving Principle
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The Queen’s Mahayana

The Buddha told Srīmālā, “You should now explain further the embracing of the true Dharma, which l have taught, and which is cherished by all Buddhas alike.”
At that time the Buddha said to Śāriputra: “I will now reveal to you before the great assembly of devas, humans, śrāmaṇas, and brahmans that in the past, in the presence of two hundred thousand koṭis of buddhas, I led and inspired you constantly for the sake of the highest path. You have followed my instructions for a long time. Because I led you with skillful means, you were born in my Dharma.
The Demons of Mortal Consciousness
“Ananda, when that good person, in cultivating samadhi, has put an end to the formations skandha, the subtle, fleeting fluctuations – the deep, imperceptible, pivotal source and the common foundation from which all life in the world springs – are suddenly obliterated. In the submerged network of the retributive karma of the pudgala, the karmic resonances are interrupted.
Posted in The Śūrańgama Sūtra
Tagged Amala vijnana, Arhat, Asita, bodhipower, John of the Cross, pudgala, Solitary Sage
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Peace of Mind
Fourteen: Peace of Mind
Upon the occasion of hearing this Discourse Subhuti had an interior realization of its meaning and was moved to tears. Whereupon he addressed the Buddha thus: It is a most precious thing, World-honored One, that you should deliver this supremely profound Discourse. Never have I heard such an exposition since of old my eye of wisdom first opened. World-honored One, if anyone listens to this Discourse in faith with a pure, lucid mind, he will thereupon engender a true perception of Fundamental Reality. We should know that such a one establishes the most remarkable virtue. World-honored One, such a transcendent perception of Fundamental Reality is not, in fact, a distinctive idea; therefore the Tathagata teaches: “Perception of Fundamental Reality” is merely a name.
Posted in The Diamond Sutra, Zen
Tagged Arhat, paramartha, patience, true perception
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The Lesser-Streams
Nine: The Lesser-Streams
[*This section must be prefaced noting the outstanding source of the translation: The Diamond Sutra {Chin-Kang-Ching} or Prajna-Paramita translated from the Chinese with an introduction and notes by William Gemmell. This was published in 1912 and is now available through re-print editions. A PDF of the original is now uploaded in our texts section. It is chosen for this particular section since it defines terms like Scrotapatti right along in the verse itself. Gemmell’s translation is an indispensible tool that highlights refined nuances (through excellent footnotes) that empowers one to have a greater in-depth appreciation of the source material.]
Posted in The Diamond Sutra, Zen
Tagged Aranyaka, Arhat, non-returner, once-returner, stream-enterer, William Gemmell
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