Tag Archives: Buddhasoul

Awakening of Faith: Preliminaries



I take refuge in [the Buddha,] the greatly Compassionate One, the Savior of the world, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, of most excellent deeds in all the ten directions;
And in [the Dharma,] the manifestation of his Essence, the Reality, the sea of Suchness, the boundless storehouse of excellencies;
[And in the Sangha, whose members] truly devote themselves to the practice,
May all sentient beings be made to discard their doubts, to cast aside
their evil attachments, and to give rise to the correct faith in the Mahāyāna, that the lineage of the Buddhas may not be broken off. read more

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The Buddhasoul

Quite contrary to contemporary Buddhist and Zennist incomprehension…there is a Supreme Buddhasoul, or Buddhacitta. Soul is synonymous with Self and Mind and really speaks to the flowering quintessence (the soul is likened to the opening of a lotus) of the unnamable and unknowable Primordial-Monistic Negativa—in essence, the via-positiva emerging from the via-negativa. It is what swells up inside you when struck by something profound (De Profundis: when the Original Recognition turns back upon Itself); in a sense, celebrating this Self-recognitionem; it is what occurs within the Garbha-dhatu, or the realm of the bodhi-womb. read more

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