Tag Archives: Dharmakaya Yoga

Lord Over Karma

The Unborn Bhagavad Gita is a manual in being free from the negative effects of karma. The hyperlink indicated is a chapter in the series on the Yoga of Discernment. The Unborn Lord of Yoga (portrayed as Krishna) indicates to a disheartened Arjuna: read more

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Eight: Dharmakaya Yoga

Transcendent Exposures

8.1 Arjuna asked the Blessed One: Most highly Auspicious One, what is the Absolute? What is the nature of the Divine-Self? What really is Karma? What do you have to say about the Principle of Becoming? What do you declare to be the Principle of Divinity? read more

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The All-Pervading Spirit

6.30 Recognizing everything as the manifestation of the One Light, one will never lose sight of the all-pervading Spirit. read more

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