Tag Archives: the Unborn

Is the Unborn A Religion?

We would not want one to confuse Unborn Mind Zen with some form of new religion. Religion, at its heart, comes from the Latin, religare–meaning to be bound to. Much of the ongoing chaos in the world is directly tied to religion. Especially when people are indeed so “bound to it” that they lose all sense of responsible reason. Many continue to be slaughtered all in the name of religion, something that has been ongoing since time immemorial. And without realizing it, people are slaughtering themselves in the process. Let us take Christianity as an example. Those bound to that mindset try to avoid suffering in all of its forms but instead, become part of the suffering itself. If you follow a guy with a cross, you can expect having trouble and misery as a constant companion. The outcome can only be what Søren Kierkegaard described as Fear and Trembling. It’s actually creating a roadblock to freedom from such nonsense. I’ve seen the self-destruction firsthand and it’s a terrible recognition. Incessant worrying is the result, and this actually breaks-down the spirit and definitely creates psychophysical illnesses. Your life becomes just one big cross and suffering is there as an unwanted companion through it all. The more one prays, the greater the torment. An endless cycle of a self-fulfilling prophecy which at the end of life says, “Father, why have you abandoned me?” Millions wait for Jesus to come again and in so doing life itself just becomes one agonizing anticipation for something that will never happen. Jesus is long dead, now go on living! The Unborn is That which is Uncomposed, Undying, and Uncreated. It is not any ism, Its Unbounded Liberation Itself. read more

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Love’s Labour’s Lost

You used to be in love with the Unborn, but now it’s all gone…

Don’t fret because it can usually occur this way. When you had it, you weren’t looking for it. And why? Because it was occurring within you. But now you have been trying to force the issue. Why can’t it be mine all the time? That is the very heart of the problem. The Unborn will only come of its own accord. Remember, it’s not yours to keep and savor like a good steak, because it’s not a malleable kind of material, like some trinket, that you can just shape and fashion by your own effort and past merits. If you persist in trying to do so, your long lost heaven will become a living hell. It’s all a non-meritable enterprise. The intellect is the main culprit—it’s a wily trickster. On its own it’s the very devil himself. Don’t allow this fiend to destroy the safe haven and joy you once experienced in the Unborn. It will be yours again and more often, it’s as close as your very heartbeat, just don’t try and count and control the beats. If you do, Love’s Labour’s Lost! read more

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Origin of the One who Suffers

Chapter Ten: On the Four Truths

There’s an interesting copy of this chapter translated by Charles Patton found on the old Dark Zen website. The notable difference from other copies concerns the line, “That which is called [the sufferer] is not called the noble truth of suffering.” The translation otherwise found says “That which is called [suffering].” Whatever the reason was for the change, it fits in perfectly with the main thrust of the chapter as “the origin of the one who suffers”. The subsequent exegesis will further explain this examination. The opening line will include the change as found at that Dark Zen site. read more

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