Category Archives: The Book of Bodhi

The Black Dragons

A Black Dragon sees with incomparable wisdom

A Black Dragon has command of Perpetual Vigilance in the Recollective Resolve read more

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Advanced Maxims

  1. Advanced Maxims

Maxim 1: There is no separate, independent self apart from the Unborn

Thoughts, memories, feelings, associations, and attachments are “perceptions” abstracted from the condensed body consciousness AFTER the movements of fluidic activity have occurred in the brain. The apparent “independent self” is in actuality an “after image” produced by neurotransmitters—a process that in itself is an abstraction of emptiness. Hence, the apparent independent self is a delusional episode, a symbol, chemically “created”. When thoughts, memories, feelings, associations, and attachments are subtracted (devoid of perception), what independent and “separate” self is even there? read more

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Dark Dharma

  1. Dark Dharma

The primordial Dragon Race was a spiritual race, spiritual in a true sense as through incalculable kalpas their Dragon Minds transcended the phenomenal realm with the antecedent liberative technique called the Dark Dharma. They catalogued their spiritual ascension by describing the ten-bhumic stages, culminating in the great Dharma Cloud, or Dharmamegha. Now motionless and having obtained Right-Release from all former sensate-attachments, they were free to fully recollect the inner workings bearing the mark: Noble Wisdom. This miraculous and undivided self-realization fostered a spiritual gestation within their Dragon Minds known as the Bodhigotra, wherein the pure and immaculate unborn tathatic seed took root. Properly nurtured through sambodhi, the germination process procured spiritual children termed Bodhigotratvas. The Bodhigotratvas’ mission was to instill Buddhagnosis by implanting bodhi-seeds in corrupted mindfields so as to initiate the Bodhigotra gestation in hopes that similar spiritual progeny would be spawned. read more

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The Dragon Race

  1. The Dragon Race

Well before the era of Siddharta Gautama and even eclipsing the great flood of Noah there were many ancient races that populated Saha-realm 38725 (before it became poisoned as Marayana). The most ancient of these is the Dragon Race. This is not the same form that is mentioned in mythology, but a race of beings whose minds were filled with incomparable wisdom; their sciences and philosophies were based on the principle of the One Mind and their system was essentially Yin-based. The earth at that time was part of an ultimate Yin system. Yin in the sense of wei wu wei, or effortless action; this was portrayed in the primordial symbol of dao, which reflected a pure and unadulterated balance between spirit and mind within the deathless body of Tathagatahood. In sharp contrast to this perfected Yin system there appeared an innumerable host of demons emanating from the family of Maras who expressed interest in this realm, in particular Devaputra Mara, who infiltrated this pure system and adulterated it with harsh and impure Yang energy; thus, the religions were born, portrayed in greek, roman, norse, and other mythologies as the gods or within the Bible as Jehovah, or in the Koran as Allah. These Yang Gods created and intended the human race to be mindless slaves. The Yang religions also taught absolute obedience to the gods or God and the ultimate worship of the Yang principle. The leader of the gods was always a male god like Wotan. They also taught that the Yin principle of the Dragon Race was chaos and evil; that the Dark principle of the Unborn was a destructive force out to destroy mankind and the Earth. read more

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  1. Marayana

Please allow me to introduce myself,
I’m a mind of stealth and fame
I’ve been around ten-thousand kalpic fold
My mission is to keep you tame
My father is desire and my mother is ignorance
Our incestuous offspring are desire, pride, greed, fear and ignorance
Five to keep you company in samsara
As you properly react to your spinning wheel of pain read more

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The Book of Bodhi

Once written in an online galaxy long, long ago…

  1. The origins of Saha-realm 38725

Mind’s miraculous capacity to recollect Its full essential stature creates a double-edged sword; this capacity can also become inverted thereby giving birth to pluralized manifestations that, although illusional in form, become graven images that are concretized into infinite dharmatic canopies that reflect every conceivable and inconceivable size and shape within a given world-system. These world systems are limitless in variety within just one billion-world galaxy in a given universe, and there are infinitesimal universes giving birth to billion-world galaxies all the time. One such world system is Saha-realm 38725. It is an insignificant pimple on the face of this present billion-world galaxy. Countless Buddhas steer well-clear of Saha-realm 38725 because it is an impure realm, a very dirty, disagreeable and dangerous place. The earth-bound inhabitants of this ignominious realm have engaged throughout the millennia in fostering their own agendas, some cosmic in scale, repudiating and violating each other’s sacred space all in the name of one incurable disease: materialism. These earth-bound inhabitants are bound to their dogmatic stances and some even seek to extend and enforce their dogma to the very ends of Saha-realm 38725. Wretched fundamentalism runs rampant and its rising crescent is a clear indication that this is truly the dharma-ending age of this unhappy place. The end is inevitable as this is a realm of dark-matter, matter whose seed-base bears the stain of its nefarious father, Mara. Indeed, this realm is a vehicle of Mara and is henceforth known as MARAYANA. read more

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