Tag Archives: healing

(28) Thunder on a Drop of Rain

Every generation is doomed to fight its own ignorance; suffer the loss of the same old illusions and
learn the same old lessons on its own. read more

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Tozen: The great mystery of the everlasting

The great mystery of the everlasting

What is everlasting is healing to the soul.
Nothing made by sentient beings
or offered by sentient beings,
has an everlasting value.
Pursuing, what is not everlasting,
is a cause to great suffering.
The mind seeking the everlasting,
should turn completely into itself
as One and not two.
It is after all its birthright which no-one,
Demon or god can claim.
If this happens for even a split second,
there is the samadhic bliss of right view.
In this profound split second milieu of pure spirit
That lasts a seeming eternity,
we are beyond space and time,
form or emptiness,
We have shattered any ghost known as
thought, concept or ideation.
The latter being mind attached
to what is empty of truth,
which is thought.
Thus the necessity to once breakthrough
the evil ones distorting field of corruption with
the unborn mind of one and not two.
In Its core and pure essence,
there is the sublime body of Mind Only.
One not of flesh or even the ethereal
But of instantaneous everlasting suchness.
At first this awakening is like a heavenly nectar,
poured into the soul from seemingly nowhere,
but with a clear and disciplined approach,
A pure suchness beyond the fickle consciousness field
of heaven and hell marks its thundering presence
beyond any shred of a doubt.
When done right, a great light emerges
within the seeking self, dispersing the darkness of pain
engulfing the seeker like a cool blanket,
By killing the noise and influence of all
passions and dreams.
It does thus as to mark the profoundly
immaculate presence of its own true self
and supreme Mind.
The false light of the corrupting consciousness
now defeated, allows the cleansing presence of
this everlasting super consciousness – cittamatra.
To speak of anything beyond this truth is not Zen,
only empty rantings from a withering fool,
In the realm of hungry ghosts, sentient goblins and gods.
Yet I choose to raise my stick and beat
joshu´s flea infested dog,
that with its single bark,
dared reveal the everlasting body
of the shining one. read more

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A Story about Reiki

I once wrote a blog-post here entitled, “A Healing Balm”, wherein I described my agonizing experience of recovering from spinal-cord surgery. I would like to further add to that unhappy chapter by sharing a further story about that time which carries a word of caution. During those agonizing weeks of recovery there would occur literally every evening, approximately at 9:30PM, a very severe pounding-like pain that coursed through my upper torso resulting in excruciating pain—it was like someone with enormous strength was punching me in that extremity—pounding away again and again unceasingly for hours. Now, this would occur exactly in the same way, time and fashion for many weeks. Well, about five-weeks into this I received a get-well-note from an acquaintance. The note explained how, at every evening after 9PM, she was “sending me Reiki” in hopes of alleviating my situation. That sent a chord of alarm shrieking through me—I immediately called her and asked her to please refrain from “sending me that reiki!!!” read more

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