Tag Archives: transformation

Transfiguration in the Nothingness


How one’s affections are marvelously transformed
In the spiritual experience of the Nothing
Which occurs nowhere read more

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The Wanderer

17. The Wanderer

Fire on Amoghasiddhi’s Mountain

The hexagram depicts Amitabha’s all-discerning light shining brightly atop Amoghasiddhi’s mountain of resilient protective stance of reaching the highest peak of enlightened spiritual perfection—the all-accomplishing radiant hue of  perfected wisdomocity. The adept has wandered aimlessly for endless kalpas amidst dark and strange vistas of endless ignorance and dissatisfaction; Amitabha’s fire now breaks-through the disparaging mist and dissolves away the inability to discern the right path of ascending Amoghasiddhi’s mount of noble freedom. read more

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The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali

Book IV: Self-Completion

In Yoga the world is Real (not illusory, as it is for example in the Vendanta). Nevertheless, although the world exists and endures, it owes this to the “ignorance” of the spirit: The innumerable forms of the Cosmos, as well as their methods of manifestation and development, exist only to the degree to which the spirit, the Self (purusha), is ignorant of itself and, by reason of this ignorance of a metaphysical nature, suffers and is subjugated. At the exact instant when the last Self shall have found its freedom, the whole of creation will be reabsorbed into the primordial substance. (Mircea Eliade) read more

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Yoga’s Eight Limbs


ii. 28-29 Yoga’s Eight-Limbs are the means to transformation

2.28 When the impurities have dried-up, Right Perception dawns pointing the way to Re-union with the Unborn. read more

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Ratnasambhava Rising

Today’s accompanying image reveals Ratnasambhava at the center of the action so to speak, where Vairocana or Akṣhobhya are usually depicted. They are still present here, yet in the background, as Ratnasambhava is now dominant and holding the ritual bell that is usually reserved for Akṣhobhya. He sits still, like a contented jewel; he is after all the bearer of the Trikayic Jewels of Buddhism. read more

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A Book of Dreams: Bardo 2, Conclusion

I believe that the appearance of a “white-dragonfly” beating outside my window the other day is a most auspicious sign indeed; its dominate symbolization in many diverse cultures is one of transformation. Its “white coloration” could also be a signifier that the Clear Light of self-realization is trying to break through. It’s also an interesting synchronicity that this study of Bardo Realm Two began with another symbol of transformation, a butterfly—a cousin of sorts to the dragonfly. This particular Bardo is indeed heavy-laden with symbols of transformation occurring at many levels. Like characters in a dream-play our lives are livid with the changing-tides of emotion and reason—a mad soap-opera filled with love and hate; of fear and resolve; of ignorance and wisdom. Hopefully the pieces of this constantly shifting landscape can eventually come together and awaken one from the dream of samsara into that Clear-Light of self-transformation. One of the other illuminating insights that can be gleamed from all of our bardo-journeys is that we do not travel alone. One of the greatest conceits is that we can somehow procure our much-needed transformation alone, simply via the way of one’s stored merits and personalized efforts. On the Lankavatarian Path the realization dawns that one is not reliant upon the strength of a personal-self (a collection of mere aggregates), but rather upon the intervention and enduring Selfhood of the Tathagatas themselves. What awaits the developing pupa (gotra) once the skandhic-cocoon is dissolved? The following brief, yet poignant, Bodhi-Pearl from Tozen nicely sums-up our time in Bardo Realm Two and offers a glimpse of what this Noble Self-realization reveals. read more

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