Tag Archives: Dhammapada

The Nine Realms of Darkness

The opening of the great Dhammapada, or the Law of Illumination, states that what the mind focuses on determines its reality. Anger is included here as being most dominant—as The Dhammapada in Light of the Unborn says, “hate is not pure but draining, indeed it is Mind turned against itself. Being free from hate and all abusive thoughts is the beginning of purification and the embrace of sweet peacefulness.” Zuowang paints a similar formulation when it comes to being tangled up in emotional affairs: read more

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The Self and Brahman in the Dhammapada

Bhattacharya reinforces the truth that the Buddha brought to fulfillment the Brahmaic Truth that was the New Ātman, the Arahant; this was most clearly presented in the Dhammapada. read more

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Turning-back Home

  1. [Cleary]: The appearance of objects to humans is thought; thought expresses what is imagined.  There is no object; it is only thought; without imagination, one is freed.

Close in conjunction with the motto of a Lankavatarian: What the mind focuses on determines its reality. The Dhammapada also declares, Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with an impure mind a person speaks or acts suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot of the ox. With an impure-mind (harbinger of thoughts and creator of all images) it all boils down to the stuff that dreams are made of vs. Mind-only “preceding” all mental aberrations, henceforth no-thing perceivable or conceivable. Ergo, minus the image-maker liberation is won! read more

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The emphasis on karma (kamma) in Early Buddhism was upon a series of factors that comprise the very angst of life: individualistic, sociological, and psychological components all constitute early doctrinal factors resulting in karmic-effect. Essentially, Kamma referred to what an individual inherits from oneself in some previous form of existence—not what one inherits from their ancestors. Hence, the Buddha and his sages declared that it was not so much [the action] itself, but rather the exclusive-intentional willing of the individual that is of decisive significance in determining karmic consequences. This Buddhaic-teaching had a two pronged effect upon disciples: one became remorseful over their karmic-[intent] because the wrong they committed could never be [undone]: read more

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The Dynamis of Evil

In Ephesians 6:12, Paul writes:

…we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities (archas), against the powers (exousias), against the world rulers (kosmokratoras), of this present darkness, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places. read more

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The Greatest Liberation

Before concluding this series on Evola the inclusion of one more “technique” of mind development is in order since it synchronistically ties-in with one from our last series, one that is concerned withNimitta—a  particularized focal-point, or a ‘brilliant light’ that becomes the singularity (to the exclusion of all other phenomena) within the Mind’s Eye.” read more

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Slaying the Beast

There is no greater enemy than one’s own thoughts run amok. The Dhammapada is layered with imagery that depicts this mental predicament, such as ‘what one thinks one becomes.’ Evola utilizes passages whose task is to arrest and erase these wanton beasts of the mind: read more

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