Tag Archives: Smrti

A Most Exquisite Setting

1 The Occasion

[ ]=Jens Braarvig

Thus have I heard. The Blessed One was residing in Rajagrha…

[“House of the King”, the great town of Rajagrha, or, in the highest meaning (paramarthatas), the place of the Awakened Lord who is the king of religion (dharmaraja), namely the pure sphere of all moments of existence (visuddhadharmadhatu). The tika understands the place of the Lord on two levels, it is the actual town of Rajagrha where his body is, but as the Awakened he is also one with total or absolute reality] read more

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The Deathless

Not knowing the Way of Deathlessness,
What use is there to quieten the mind.

The Bodhisattva develops the fine-art of Smṛti and thus turns-about from the Moving Principle by Recollecting the Animating Impetus that is at the Very Heart of Suchness. The Bodhi-minded one does not move an inch in samsara. He now employs only the Mantle of Deathlessness. If Smṛti should ever be lost, one loses the Deathless Principle, but whoever rightfully employs it will continue to have the Deathless as one’s constant companion. Trying to engage in any form of meditation technique without first employing Smṛti will never quieten the anxious mind that is still held spellbound by the bewitching influences of the raging vijñānas. By faithfully attuning oneself to it one will never be distracted again by the demon monkey-psyche. Once kissed by the Deathless Sound (Parato ghosa), there is no turning back for the Bodhisattva. She’s now come face to face with deathlessness and is perfumed with IT’s markless-mark. There is no longer any need to employ lesser vehicles to quieten the mind, for her own Bodhi-gnosis is now complete and unexcelled. Pure, unadulterated, Imageless Tathata; indeed, to paraphrase a familiar spiritual adage, “And I live, now not I, but the Deathless Unborn Spirit liveth in me.” read more

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Particles of the Oscillating Mind

Particles of the Oscillating Mind

i.5-11 There are five encumbrances that induce mind oscillations: commonly accepted ideations; adverse conceptionalities; cognitive fantasies; sleep; memory  read more

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Bodhisattvahood, Part 3


One dominant component of the developing (bodhichild) Bodhisattva is commonly referred to as mindfulness; it is more singularly employed within Unborn Mind Zen as the Recollective Resolve, or smŗti. Smŗti is indeed that essential element within the developing gotra (bodhi-seed) as it continually gestates within the Tathagata-garbha (dharma-womb). Usually, this most singular display of mindfulness is misconstrued as one being “mindful in the moment”—as if this is some substratum of Mind that generates stillness when, in effect, it does just the opposite: it keeps one perpetually fixated on the Moving Principle as manifested within phenomena, i.e., present-moment being just that—some “thing” to keep one’s mind engrossed upon and hence entrapped in that diurnal wheel of samsara. Smŗti is that inner Resolve that “turns about” from the Moving Principle and Recollects That Animating Impetus within the Sacred Heart of Suchness…thus being Bodhi-minded and not moving an inch to the allures of samsara. Smŗti is the Right Entrance into the Light of the Unborn and the “mindful” Bodhisattva no longer pays any attention to anything that is adverse to It. If the adept keeps faithful to Smŗti then one will never become distracted or riddled with the anxious confusion of the meandering monkey mind. This is known as cultivating self-possession in light of the Buddhadharma. Without cultivating Smŗti then one will forever be held hostage to the raging vijñānas, forever entangled in the serpentine-grip of avidyā. It’s been said that whoever loses Smŗti loses Deathlessness; but whoever rightfully employs Smŗti will have the Deathless as ones constant companion. read more

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