Tag Archives: Doctrine of Awakening

The Greatest Liberation

Before concluding this series on Evola the inclusion of one more “technique” of mind development is in order since it synchronistically ties-in with one from our last series, one that is concerned withNimitta—a  particularized focal-point, or a ‘brilliant light’ that becomes the singularity (to the exclusion of all other phenomena) within the Mind’s Eye.” read more

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The Propensity for Buddha-gnosis

The most important point to grasp in the nature of Awakening is that first and foremost one needs to be human. read more

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The delinquent mind

Evola’s take on “Conditioned Genesis”, or the elements that make up the twelve stages of dependent origination, was that its ongoing perpetuation is by and large “invisible” to sentient beings that remain unawares. At first, Siddhartha was reluctant to reveal it: read more

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The Spiritual Race

We are now entering territory that serves as the core of Evola’s spiritual principles and if not attuned to properly will cast his take on Buddhism in a negative light—yea, those with limited gnosis will perhaps even label him as a racist. For Evola the path of awakening is: read more

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Wet and Dry

Stefano Baldini

Evola was a prolific writer and the depth of his spiritual gnosis is pretty much inexhaustible. His spiritual autobiography (The Path of Cinnabar) is just that, the growth of a mind imbued with the yearning for the undivided truth of self-realization—a realization that is embedded within sundry paths, from Hermeticism with an erudite insight into the Western Psyche, to more esoteric Eastern Paths like Yoga and transcendental Buddhism. He writes in his autobiography: read more

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Coming Soon: The Doctrine of Awakening

Our next series will be an exegesis of Julius Evola’s masterful work on Early Buddhism: The Doctrine of Awakening. Of special interest for Lankavatarians is his treatment of the Ariyan Spirit, one that is reinforced through a proper understanding of ascesis, one that is totally divorced from standard westernized notions of extreme mortification of the senses. For Evola, the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold path (ariyamagga) is also far and away from corrupted western misconceptions, in particular the shallow notion of “universal compassion” which indeed continues to be a lingering bastardization of the Buddha’s original intent. Indeed, what Evola emphasizes is to completely and unequivocally “cut oneself off” from such notions, or in his words, “to stop taking part in the game.” read more

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The Shape of Things to Come in 2013

This past year of the Water Dragon was indeed a most auspicious year here at UnbornMind.com. In late January into February, the long expected Red Pine translation of the Lankavatara Sutra was covered in a series based on the Noble Sutra itself. Late February into the beginning of April, the Vimalakirti Sutra Series explored the inner-workings of Bodhisattvahood; then from early April into mid-May, the Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma focused on the quintessential importance of Buddha-nature itself. After a summer-break, a singular series, The Lankavatarian Book of the Dead, explored in-depth the nature of the six “bardo-realms” culminating in the vital significance of the Tathatic-stages of Mind Development in best preparation for the final Bardo-stages of Dharmatā and how to avoid the Bardo-stage of re-becoming and rebirth. This vast work extended from late August to the end of October. November was reserved especially for the Diamond Sutra that is perhaps the One-Sutra-Alone that is indispensible for considering the Dharmadhatu as seen through the imageless eyes of the Tathagatas themselves. December has been time well spent with perhaps the greatest Dharma-Master of them all, Huang Po—it’s been a joy walking daily with his indispensible teaching. The Year of the Water Dragon was also a most auspicious year for Tozen and his Zen-School of the Unborn Mind; after some absence, Tozen emerged from his dragon-lair with renewed vigor and was inspired to expound (as only he can in his own singular fashion) further on the Buddhadharma. A special category has been reserved here for Tozen as new-teachings are taking shape even now. read more

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