Tag Archives: elephant

A Phantom Elephant

  1. If such errors were granted, it would not be possible to talk about the non-existence of self-substance; as the nature of reality is erroneously understood, there is something perceived where there is really no self-substance; all is indeed non-existent.

When the Lanka uses the term substance, it does not denote the stuff that makes up the apparent base of the material world. It has more significant value as an esoteric-metaphor reflecting the unconditioned Mind. The real-stuff of the Mind-set is an imageless substance. This is why Huang Po once warned not to utilize the Mind-set to conceptualize, in essence being encased in formal-ideations, but rather to stay perpetually-present to the Substance of the One and Undivided Unborn Buddha Mind. As the Zennist eloquently writes: read more

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Bodhisattva Samantabhadra

The Universal Worthy-One Bodhisattva Samantabhadra arose from his seat in the sacred assembly, bowed and then prostrated himself at the feet of the Tathagata and then circumambulated about him three times to the right. He then knelt down and with hands clasped in a manner depicting sublime devotion, invoked the Blessed One. read more

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The Prostitute and the Buddha’s Hidden Organ

Finally, the Blessed One led Ananda and, walking in space, came to the debate hall. The Buddha took a seat and briefly taught about suffering, emptiness, Impermanence, and the perfections (paramila) to the assembly, but the women did not accept [his teaching]. read more

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Akshobhya—the Magician of the Sacred Vajra

IT is neither going nor standing still
Neither static, nor dynamic
Neither substance nor nonsubstance
Neither appearance nor emptiness
The nature of all things, like space
Is without any movement.
One may call IT “space”
But IT is empty of any essence
And as such it transcends definitions
Such as real or unreal
Existent or nonexistent
Or anything else
Thus not the slightest distinction exists
Between space, the mind, and intrinsic reality
Only their designations are different
But they are unreal and false…
Savari—Mahamudra: The Quintessence of Mind and Meditation
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