Tag Archives: Spirit

Transcendent Liberation From Rebirth

4.9 The Yogin who recollects that I am their Divine Unborn Self need not fear being reborn.

Being mindful that the Divine Unborn-Self is Liberation Itself is the reassurance that one’s own body-consciousness, tied to the wheel of perpetual rebirth, can now be extinguished forever. read more

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The Spiritual Phasmid

Mara is the greatest predator of all.

This beast, as I described it in the Dharmakaya Sutra, literally lives and grows on the power of a divided and misdirected Spirit; the latter being one most beautiful jewel. One that against all better knowledge and judgment, due to a singular desire and decision to descend  into the grosser consciousness field of the senses, becomes entrapped by Mara’s realms. Trapped it falls asleep and suddenly finds itself in a state of amnesia, becoming doubtful, confused and uncertain about its own true nature. read more

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The Ariyan Spirit

2.31 You need to remember your own noble spiritual function. To consider wavering, if even for one brief moment, from your recollective fervor in upholding and defending the dharma would prove your absolute downfall. read more

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Riding the head of the Black Dragon

Zen Buddhism strives, to get you the fastest possible way, to the undivided light of the Unborn Mind. Your own true nature. read more

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Two: The Yoga of Discernment

The Unborn is Indestructible

Arjuna remains crumpled-up in defeated fashion with a long, forlorn frown on his face; Krishna, the Divine Avatar of Immortal Consciousness, addresses him thus: read more

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The Bhagavad Gita: Preliminary Sketches

The Family Feud

The Bhagavad Gita is a majestic poem within the larger Mahabharata, an epic whose length defies any present-day imagination. It is a comprisal of a narrative set within the larger framework of Philosophical Mysticism. Its tone is one of crisis on an epic scale—one that constitutes the incessant war that is waged within the inner-battleground of the embodied enslavement of man’s Spiritual Composition. Although based on actual ancient warfare taking place nearby modern-day Delhi, its account is more archetypical and allegorical in nature, one that encompasses the full scope of the human condition—one that is inflicted with both external and internal turmoil. This cosmic-drama revolves around an ancient family-feud. It involves a dispute between cousins over who was to rule the Kuruksetra kingdom located in central India. At one time the kingdom belonged to five brothers of the Pāndavas family, but they lost their rule during a dice-game and ceded their kingdom over to their shady-cousins who were the hundred sons of a blind king named Dhrtarāstra. Originally the latter family was to return the kingdom over to its rightful ownership after some length of time, but due to their devious nature totally reneged on their promise. Therefore, the Pāndavas had to wage war to reclaim their rightful property. The problem was, though, being cousins both sides had once shared the same teachers and advisers—the very same ones who were now being called upon to advise them in time of war; accompanied with this precarious predicament was the fact that both sides would be facing beloved family members and friends who would be killed due to this ongoing clash. Hence we now arrive at the beginning of the Bhagavad Gita just before the huge battle was to be waged. We find the main protagonist of the Gita, Arjuna, agonizing within himself over his responsibility as a noble war-lord to do his duty, yet having to “do-in” his own family and friends as part of this obligation. read more

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The Yoga Sutras: Epilogue

iv. 31-34 Final Release from all Obstructions

4.31 All Mind Obstructions now cessated, Total-Gnosis is conferred as the yogin need not do anything more—fait accompli. read more

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Powers of Spirit

Blue Medicine Buddha by Sally Gradle

iii. 35-37 Spiritual Gnosis

3.35 A bifurcation exists between puruṣa (spirit) and the phenomenal worlds. Objective formalities exist only for utilization by the spiritually advanced yogin. read more

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The Effects of Purification

ii. 33-45 Positive Exchange of the Mind-stuff

2.33 Destructive negative thoughts can be deterred through positive reinforcement. read more

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Zen [1] is the name of [unborn]Mind, and only through the purifying power of Zen can the mind [of a potential Buddha] fully recall itself, its true nature; which is Mind Unborn and no-thing else.
The first mistake all beginners make about Zen, is to believe it is best achieved sitting or standing or even walking, because its foundation is believed to be found on top of a temple governed by a grey lump and source of conditioned consciousness. read more

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