Tag Archives: liberation

A Boundless Journey

Seeking the path of enlightenment through physical means is a reckless pursuit that will only lead to immense disappointment. It is akin to attempting to unravel the profound wisdom of the universe by peering through a kaleidoscope-like lens tainted with the complexities of karma, where everything is in a perpetual state of flux and transformation. However, by solely engaging in the practice of Mind Recollecting Mind, one can unlock the gateway to the eternal realm of Deathless Suchness, where tranquility reigns supreme. read more

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Nirvana in the Dharmakaya Sutra

As a great buildup to the Dharmakaya as the Nirvanic Kingdom of Self found in the Dharmakaya Sutra, we first need to review The Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Nirvana Sutra). When first asked what is meant by Nirvana, The Blessed One responds with Nirvana is what I mean by Liberation. But this is no ordinary liberation. True liberation neither comes into existence nor goes out of existence. This is precisely the Great Liberation of the Tathagata. He does not come into existence, he does not go out of existence, he does not age, he does not die. Thus: read more

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Modes of Liberation

At the beginning of Part II of Chapter Seven a discussion arises as to the exact nature of “the hidden treasury”. The Real Treasury of the Tathagatas was covered in Chapter Three with the quote from Zen Master Keizan’s Transmission of Light: “I have the treasury of the eye of truth, the ineffable mind of nirvana.” The Blessed One explains to Kāśyapa the inner-core of this realization: read more

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This is the destiny of most sentient minds…

Desire-Thought-Function. The creation of one enables the latter, ad-infinitum. From the first to the last and from the last back to the first. read more

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The Zen of your own-being

Om svabhava suddha sarva dharma svabhava suddho’ham. [1]

Character is nothing, own-being is everything. Thus, such is the path of enlightenment  that a being of good merit should choose not to foster character but unveil the clear light of their own-being to themselves. read more

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Cutting down the tree of birth, death and rebirth

Unless you are completely disenchanted with the cycle of birth, death and rebirth at the deepest level of your subconsciousness, the sublime and liberating light of the Buddhadharma will be lost on you. read more

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Towards a Psychology of the Māras, Part I

             The Sacred India Tarot

At the outset here one needs to be aware that the context in which Māra(s) is spoken is mythic in scope. Far more than any cognitively-based amalgams of collective-experiences shared in the human psyche—this mythos is more-than-human. It involves cosmic-forces that have been around longer than the early dawn of mankind’s limited evolutionary experiences. As Robert Warren Clark states in his excellent Dissertation, Māra: Psychopathology and Evil in the Buddhism of India and Tibet: read more

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Does One Size Fit All?

“At that time innumerable thousands of myriads of koṭis of sentient beings approach the Buddha and listen to his teaching. Then the Tathāgata, perceiving the faculties of sentient beings—whether they are sharp or dull, diligent or idle—explains the teachings according to their capacities in a variety of immeasurable ways, gladdening and benefiting them all. read more

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(7) Liberation

How may one attain enlightenment and liberation from suffering in this very life of imprisonment?

If you wish a clear answer and understanding, then pay close attention to the following: read more

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Transcendent Liberation From Rebirth

4.9 The Yogin who recollects that I am their Divine Unborn Self need not fear being reborn.

Being mindful that the Divine Unborn-Self is Liberation Itself is the reassurance that one’s own body-consciousness, tied to the wheel of perpetual rebirth, can now be extinguished forever. read more

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