Tag Archives: OṀ

Technique #6: Spanda Ho

Question: I see that Shoden Session # 6 incorporates a Vedic-oriented term, Spanda…is this correct?

Vajragoni: Yes. The term is rooted in the ancient scriptures of Kashmir Saivism and represents the primordial principle that constitutes the “vibratory” nature of the universe; it is the very heartthrob of the Absolute Reality of the Source ITself. read more

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Seven: Gnosis of the Absolute

The Cosmic Necklace

7.1 Thus spoke the Blessed One: Arjuna, devote your whole-self to me and practice the Divine Unborn Yoga. In so doing take me as your exclusive-refuge; it is only in this solemn fashion that you can truly know me as your Supreme Self. read more

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The Yoga of Vairocana

1.0 Vairocana is the Matrix of the Buddha Sun

Vairocana represents the Buddha family that houses the great light of the Buddha Sun—Mahavairocana—known among Lankavatarians as the Noble KA read more

Posted in Notes from the Iron Stupa, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Amoghasiddhi—the Magician of the Phurpa

The world is matter to be transformed to liberate concentrated energy of the Wise Men—a psychic energy capable of attracting the Powers from Beyond, the Superior Unknown Beings, the Lords of the Cosmos. The institution of the Black Order had no political or military significance; its raison d’être was purely magical…(from ‘The Morning of the Magicians’) read more

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Divorced from the Cross of Matter

Vomitus Maximus

Triumph of the Spirit

i.24-28 The Lord of Yoga transcends the trap of temporal manifestations read more

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Riding the Wave


Enraptured in deep samādhis during the revelatory action of the Lord’s discourse within the resplendent spiritual plane of Sambhogakāya, Acintapa the Mahasiddha was abruptly roused from his reverie when the Blessed Vajradhara extracted him, like a tiny insect, from the pore of his luminous skin. Mahasiddha Acintapa’s manomakaya-body then expanded to the same relative-size of the Five Dhyanī Buddha’s Maṇḍala and gradually came to rest above and parallel to this shining ideation of the Tathagatas. His form then began to vibrate at an incredible rate as it slowly descended to merge with the Maṇḍala.  read more

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